
by Plato

Published 1 January 1936
The Apology is Plato's version of the speech given by Socrates as he defended himself in 399 BC against the charges of "corrupting the young, and by not believing in the gods in whom the city believes, but in other daimonia that are novel . Apology here has its...Read more


by Plato

Published 31 January 1925
Theaetetus, the Sophist, and the Statesman are a trilogy of Platonic dialogues that show Socrates formulating his conception of philosophy as he prepares the defense for his trial. Originally published together as The Being of the Beautiful, these translations can be read separately or as a trilogy. Each includes...Read more


by Plato

Published February 1974
Theaetetus, the Sophist, and the Statesman are a trilogy of Platonic dialogues that show Socrates formulating his conception of philosophy as he prepares the defense for his trial. Originally published together as The Being of the Beautiful, these translations can be read separately or as a trilogy. Each includes...Read more

The Republic

by Plato

Published 1 September 1888
Plato, the great philosopher of Athens, was born in 427 BCE. In early manhood an admirer of Socrates, he later founded the famous school of philosophy in the grove Academus. Much else recorded of his life is uncertain; that he left Athens for a time after Socrates' execution is...Read more


by Plato

Published December 1911
The Phaedo is acknowledged to be one of Plato's greatest masterpieces, showing him both as a philosopher and as a dramatist at the height of his powers. For its moving account of the execution of Socrates, the Phaedo ranks among the supreme literary achievements of antiquity. It is also...Read more

The Timaeus

by Plato

Published December 1929
Timaeus is one of Plato's dialogues, mostly in the form of a long monologue given by the titular character, written circa 360 BC. The work puts forward speculation on the nature of the physical world and human beings. It is followed by the dialogue Critias. Speakers of the dialogue...Read more


by Plato

Published February 1974
One of the very first books that discuses philosophy of logic. Coming from a time when man was in the initial stages of differing between thinking and acting, philosophy and logic, this is one of the, masterpieces by Plato. Thought-provoking!


by Plato

Published 1 March 1912
A dialogue by Plato that shows the earliest discussions by Socrates. As in most of his other works, he presents both sides of an argument in an engaging manner. It depicts a discussion undertaken by Socrates when he was twenty years old and confronting an Eleatic philosopher.


by Plato

Published 31 January 1921
Theaetetus, the Sophist, and the Statesman are a trilogy of Platonic dialogues that show Socrates formulating his conception of philosophy as he prepares the defense for his trial. Originally published together as The Being of the Beautiful, these translations can be read separately or as a trilogy. Each includes...Read more


by Plato

Published 1 January 1871
This translation of the Greek text of R.G. Bury is arranged with the Greek and English on facing pages and printed on fine paper with a cloth binding, and illustrated with woodcuts throughout. Plato's "Symposium" gives a vivid picture of upper-class life in late 5th-century Athens. The book also...Read more

Empire and the Ends of Politics

by Plato and Thucydides

Published 1 January 1999

Socrates and the Sophists

by Plato

Published 15 August 2010

Gorgias and Rhetoric

by Plato and Aristotle

Published 1 October 2008