
by William Horwood

Published 5 August 2011

One momentous evening, events are set in motion that will decide the fate of our world and the Hyddenworld – a land lying alongside our own, concealed from human eyes. As earth tremors ravage the Hyddenworld, a child of two worlds is born, a lost gem is found and the Hyddenworld’s sleeping Emperor finally wakes. And he requires a powerful gem to

sustain his stricken body and time-worn spirit.

These events signal the end of a normal life for Jack and his daughter. Judith must find her path as a woman of two worlds, as her unwelcome destiny calls her to unite four powerful gems, so keeping the earth from darkness with their light. If she fails, both human and hydden worlds will face extinction. And to triumph, she must embrace the help of friends – and the love of her greatest friend of all.

Series praise: ‘The last fifty pages of this book gave me my happiest reading experience in recent years’, ‘A real gem of a novel ... It’s colourful, it’s incredibly creative and this new series is one that will soon become a firm favourite’ FalcataTimes blog, ‘This is a return to the traditional; an intimate, delicate and delightfully written novel’


by William Horwood

Published 11 October 2012


Winter has been unleashed upon the Hyddenworld by an angry Earth. And Judith, now the Earth’s unwilling ally and shield maiden, is powerless to intervene. Then while both human and Hydden lands wither, humans find their way into this secret realm – to destroy all that winter’s storms haven’t undone.

The Hydden city of Brum now faces its darkest days; joining its greatest enemy to combat invaders. But ultimately, survival depends on its champions – Jack, Katherine and scrivener Bedwyn Stort. If they can locate a last gem, burning with fire and magic, devastation may be averted. But if the jewel fails to reach Juliet before winter’s end, human and Hyddenkind will pay the price.

Yet his quest will cost Stort dearly. It requires him to finally let Juliet go; the epic love that’s sustained him. There is a solution, but is this buried too deep, lost beneath ice and snow?


by William Horwood

Published 5 December 2013


Storms rage as the worst winter in living memory ravages the human and Hydden worlds. The prophesied End of Days is here and the universe is dying, yet only a few are even aware of the forces at work.

Jack and Katherine must help their friend Bedwyn Stort halt this chaos by locating the last gem of Winter, something only he can do. Then it must be returned to the Earth's unwilling guardian, their daughter Judith. She will need it to try and reignite the fires of the universe.

Yet Stort is riddled with uncertainty. He yearns for Judith, as she does for him, but a love between mortal and immortal cannot be. To find the gem, he must solve this conundrum and vanquish death itself. But can he really lead mortalkind to salvation?

The climactic final volume in the Hyddenworld sequence, a lyrical epic fantasy adventure of bravery, loss and a quest for the impossible, from William Horwood, the acclaimed author of the Duncton Wood novels.


by William Horwood

Published 5 June 2009

The adventure of a lifetime is just beginning . . .

It has lain lost and forgotten for fifteen hundred years in the ancient heartland of England – a scrap of glass and metal melded by fierce fire. It is the lost core of a flawless Sphere made by the greatest of the Anglo-Saxon CraeftLords in memory of the one he loved. Her name was Spring and contained in the very heart of this work is a spark from the Fires of Creation.

But while humans have lost their belief in such things, the Hydden – little people existing on the borders of our world – have not. Breaking the silence of centuries they send one of their own, a young boy, Jack, to live among humans in the hope that he may one day find what has been lost for so long. His journey leads him to Katherine, a girl he rescues from a tragic accident ¬– it’s a meeting that will change everything. It is only through their voyage into the dangerous Hyddenworld that they will realize their destiny, find love and complete the great quest that will save both their worlds from destruction.

Their journey begins with Spring . . .