Julian, Meera, and the rest of the children are off on a dinosaur hunt! They've been learning all about pre-historic things in school and have discovered that dinosaurs once roamed the fields of Greendale. So, they set off in search of dino clues. First they find a dinosaur tooth - and then dinosaur drool! Could they really be dinosaurs in Greendale? To find out, head down to Jurassic Greendale and join in the Great Dinosaur Hunt in this new Postman Pat story adventure, complete with fantastic episode DVD.

When Postman Pat accidentally steps in a big puddle getting his shoes and socks soaking wet, Ted Glen comes to the rescue with his brand new invention - a sock drying machine! But when his socks emerge from the machine full of holes, Pat is forced to borrow a spare pair of shoes from Ted...unfortunately the only thing Ted can find is a pair of fluffy pink slippers!

Postman Pat and the Magic Lamp

by Thea Devine

Published 5 November 2007
When the children find an old, dusty lamp, they're sure it's magic. Charlie says he doesn't believe in magic lamps, but when they give it a rub and make a wish, it seems that their wishes start to come true...with some unexpected consequences for the villagers of Greendale. Could there really be such a thing as a magic lamp?

Postman Pat and the Thunderstorm

by Thea Devine

Published 31 December 2019
When Greendale is hit by a thunder storm everyone takes shelter out of the rain. Julian is scared of the loud noise and lightning, and so is Bonnie - she is so frightened that she runs away while out for a walk. Mrs Goggins is very upset as she can't find Bonnie anywhere. Can Julian overcome his fear and brave the storm to help Pat find the missing dog?