Julian has organised a five-a-side football match in Greendale. With two adults and three children in each team, it looks like being an evenly matched contest. And PC Selby is ready with his whistle to referee the game. But when it's time for the kick off, there's no sign of Pat. He's had a particularly busy day, with more than a few mishaps. Will he get all the post delivered in time to prove himself as man of the match?

Mr Pringle has given his class the morning off while Ted Glen varnishes the schoolroom floor. So Julian joins Pat on his rounds to gather information for his class talk that day. After lunch, Julian walks across the shiny new floor and stands at the front of the class to describe all the important jobs that people in Greendale do. But it's not until Pat discovers Ted - fast asleep in the corner of the classroom - that the children fully understand how tiring hard work can be!

Greendale is getting ready for the kite festival. Julian and Charlie work on their kite designs together, Meera is inspired by the Greendale Rocket to make hers a musical kite and Pat has a large packet of tail ribbon to deliver. Jess loves all the activity but his curiosity gets the better of him when he steps onto Ted Glen's kite...and it takes off! Jess's journey certainly adds a touch of adventure to the festival and he even picks up a special award when it comes to the prize-giving.

It's the day of the children's picnic in Greendale and Ted Glen has built an ice cream machine for the occasion. When the power cuts out, the ever-inventive Ted tries all kinds of ways to get his machine back in action - even connecting it up to Pat's van! He finally hits on a solution and there are plenty of delicious flavours in time for the picnic, including a special surprise flavour that's not very popular with Pat but is just the thing for Jess!

When a nasty bout of chicken pox comes to Greendale, Pat spends a busy day delivering calamine lotion to everyone who needs it. Pat's hard work and cheery advice helps them all to make a speedy recovery. By the time he has finished his rounds, Pat discovers that he's now the one covered in red itchy spots. When Julian tells his classmates the next day that his dad is poorly, the children of Greendale are ready to deliver a special get-well-soon message to their favourite postman.

Lots of people in Greendale have their own set of wheels. Ajay has his speedy motorbike, Alf drives a tractor, PC Selby uses pedal power, Ted Glen gets around in his lorry and, of course, Pat has his trusty post van. So Pat and Alf come up with the idea for a Great Greendale Race. When Mr Pringle waves the starting flag, Ajay zooms into an early lead but the race has some surprising obstacles...and the winner is a bit of a surprise, too!

Postman Pat and His Village

by John Cunliffe

Published 6 September 1984

Postman Pat's Magic Christmas

by John Cunliffe

Published 31 December 1999
It's Christmas Eve in Greendale! Julian would love it to be a white Christmas so he even asks for snow in his letter to Santa. Pat has a busy working day ahead and he's due to make an appearance at the Greendale party in the evening...as a very special surprise guest. While Julian and his friends use their ingenuity to sledge and build a snowman...without snow, Pat picks up a jovial, bearded stranger on his rounds who helps him make light work of all the deliveries before mysteriously disappearing. When Pat arrives at the Party, he discovers that Santa has already been. It's all very confusing...until Pat, Sarah and Julian come home to find the bearded stranger leaving presents under their tree. And before he says goodbye, the real Santa tells Julian that his present is outside. Pat opens the door to find Greendale covered in thick, sparkling blanket of freshly-fallen snow!

Julian is going on a class trip to visit the old Greendale railway station. The children find a rusty old steam train in one of the dilapidated sheds. Their discovery sparks off a kind of railway fever among the residents of Greendale. The station is lovingly restored by the villagers while Pat and Ted start renovating the engine. Julian's penpal Meera lives in Pencaster and her father, Ajay, is a railway enthusiast. So it's thanks to one of Julian's letters that Ajay comes to Greendale to help Pat and Ted get every nut and bolt in working order, ready for the grand re-opening of the station. And with just days to go before the celebrations, the Greendale Rocket comes to the rescue when Pat's van just can't get through the flooded lanes to deliver the mail. The opening day finally arrives: the residents of Greendale are happy and proud to have a station once more and Julian is even more delighted when he discovers that Meera's family is moving from Pencaster to Greendale.

Postman Pat Takes the Bus

by John Cunliffe

Published 1 January 1900