ESPN Sports Almanac

by Gerry Brown and Mike Morrison

Published 1 December 2007
For more than ten years, the ESPN Sports Almanac has been the go-to reference for answers to nearly every sports question. From all-time record holders to yearly champions, from auto racing to the Iditarod, from the Australian Open to the Super Bowl—the ESPN Sports Almanac 2009 covers all the bases, with hundreds of photographs, thousands of tables, countless facts and figures, plus expert analysis from ESPN’s most respected commentators. Add fan input from’s SportsNation polls, along with ESPN’s unique blend of irreverence, and this new edition remains the reigning champion among sports information resources.

New for 2009:
• Full recaps of the 2008 Summer Olympic Games and Ryder Cup 2008
• Expanded sections of pro-football records
• More in-depth fantasy sports league analysis
• Bigger and better coverage of ballparks and arenas, mixed martial arts, and more