
by Fred Martin

Published 27 March 1999

India (Cased)

by Steve Brace

Published 11 February 1998
India, its people, culture and land, is explored in this book, part of a series which supports the requirement at GCSE for studying individual countries and presents extended case studies. There is background information on each country, with physical, human and environmental geography.

France (Cased)

by Celia Tidmarsh

Published 31 August 1999

Brazil (Cased)

by Roger Robinson

Published 8 October 1997

Italy (Paperback)

by Fred Martin

Published 15 September 1998


by Celia Tidmarsh

Published 20 December 2000
Describes the geography, economy, government, people, transportation, education, and culture of France.

India (Paperback)

by Steve Brace

Published 22 October 1998

Brazil (Paperback)

by Roger Robinson

Published 22 October 1998

Italy (Cased)

by Fred Martin

Published 10 October 1997