Sunset Pass

by Zane Grey

Published April 1973
Trueman Rock is a daring young cowboy and rider. Six years ago he had to leave the cowtown of Wagontongue because of a history of gunfights and run-ins with bad hombres. Since then, he's become a man who only uses his gun when he needs to, on rustlers and crooks. Now, he's returning to his hometown. But things have changed. The town and its people aren't what they used to be. He expects to find some of his enemies there to welcome him, but instead finds they're all dead. In their place is the Preston family.

The Prestons have just about taken over the town of Sunset Pass and reign supreme. But Trueman discovers that there's a brooding mystery surrounding the Preston clan, centered on Ash, the eldest son. Ash is a cold, vicious, and slippery man. Unfortunately for Trueman, he finds himself falling in love with Thiry Preston, Ash's sister. Ash holds a jealous love for her and she'll do just about anything he says, and he's ruined more than one love-struck cowboy before Trueman came along.

Trueman Rock's quest to win over the girl he's fallen for brings him face-to-face with the sinister true face of the Preston clan and their control of Wagontongue, and he must confront them to be with Thiry and save the town he loves. Sunset Pass, first published in 1931, is another dramatic tale of the West by Zane Grey.

Skyhorse Publishing is proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in fiction that takes place in the old West. Westerns books about outlaws, sheriffs, chiefs and warriors, cowboys and Indians are a genre in which we publish regularly. Our list includes international bestselling authors like Zane Gray and Louis L'Amour, and many more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.

The Rainbow Trail

by Zane Grey

Published 1 February 1974
Originally published in 1915, The Rainbow Trail is the sequel to Riders of the Purple Sage (also a Bison Book). At the end of that famous novel, a huge boulder had rolled down to shut off the entrance to Surprise Valley, leaving Lassiter, Jane Withersteen, and little Fay Larkin to a singular fate. Twenty years later a lanky Illinois preacher named John Shefford, disillusioned with the narrow-mindedness of his congregation, appears in Arizona. At a "sealed-wife" village, where Mormons hide the practice of polygamy from the federal government, he picks up the trail of the grown-up Fay. Thus begins an exciting story of captivity, treachery, and last-minute escape. Critics praised Zane Grey's trademarks: his depictions of action and his lush descriptions of the Old West. In The Rainbow Trail, the former dentist who became the most popular western writer of all time is under "the spell of the desert."

Robber's Roost

by Zane Grey

Published December 1972
A classic story of imperiled love on the western frontiers of nineteenth-century America.

"He was a young man in years, but he had the hard face and eagle eye of one matured in experience of that wild country. He bestrode a superb bay horse, dusty and travel-worn and a little lame. The rider was no light burden, judging from his height and wide shoulders; moreover, the saddle carried a canteen, a rifle, and a pack. From time to time he looked back over his shoulder at the magnificent long cliff wall, which resembled a row of colossal books with leaves partly open. It was the steady, watchful gaze of a man who had left events behind him."

So begins Jim Wales's story in Robbers' Roost. While a battle rages between two outlaw gangs in a remote Utah canyon, Jim struggles to rescue Helen Herrick, who has been captured and held for ransom.

Robbers' Roost tells the story of their personal struggle to escape the clutches of the murderous outlaws while simultaneously safeguarding their passion, one that is not likely to survive the beautiful, yet deadly, terrain and people of the old American West.

Skyhorse Publishing is proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in fiction that takes place in the old West. Westerns books about outlaws, sheriffs, chiefs and warriors, cowboys and Indians are a genre in which we publish regularly. Our list includes international bestselling authors like Zane Gray and Louis L'Amour, and many more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.

Thunder Mountain

by Zane Grey

Published October 1972
One of the bestselling novelists of the American West brings us a gripping tale of gold, greed, and vengeance.

Amid the mountains of the West, lie incredible riches never uncovered. Three prospecting brothers, in search of a great fortune, are led on the counsel from a dying Indian straight to the base of Thunder Mountain a gravelly summit absent of life and vegetation. Despite the mountain's outwardly desolate appearance, the three Emerson brothers approach the five thousand foot silt deposit with wide, hungry eyes convinced they may have struck the motherload.

Once their hunch is proven to be true, the brothers find themselves swimming in gold. Afraid other prospectors would soon discover the source of their newfound wealth and take a cut of the profit, the Emerson brothers now wild with ambition and greed plot to set up a mine to conceal their discovery and reap all the benefits.

However, their newfangled fortune only brings them more backstabbing, corruption, and treachery than they ever could've imagined. In this classic Western novel, robbery, arrest, revenge, and even murder ensue.

Skyhorse Publishing is proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in fiction that takes place in the old West. Westerns books about outlaws, sheriffs, chiefs and warriors, cowboys and Indians are a genre in which we publish regularly. Our list includes international bestselling authors like Zane Gray and Louis L'Amour, and many more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.

Code Of The West

by Zane Grey

Published 24 February 1975
Hot-blooded Georgiana Stockwell will break a man's heart while he's eating out of her hand. Moving from the East to join her schoolteacher sister in the rugged wilds of Tonto Basin, Arizona, Georgiana makes quite an impression. Despite her sister's best efforts, Georgiana creates a culture clash as her modern, free-spirited personality comes up against the code of the West, the unwritten law of the range that everyone is expected to follow. Georgiana's flirtations and coquetry provoke and outrage the proud Westerners of Tonto Basin.

The young and steadfast Cal Thurman is especially taken with Georgiana. Cal is a man of the West through and through, courageous, loyal, sincere, quiet-spoken, and hardworking. Though she never expected to, Georgiana finds herself falling for this man from another world. But things are not as simple as either of them may want; Georgiana soon realizes that loving Cal means coming up against a heritage of honor and violence she couldn't have imagined. She's stirred things up too much, and the pride of the West must be satisfied before things can be settled.

First published in 1934, Code of the West is another thrilling tale by the greatest novelist of the American West. Better than any other writer, Zane Grey vividly shows the West as it truly was, defining itself through an unwritten code of honor and values, and he details the consequences when an outsider refuses to live by it.

Skyhorse Publishing is proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in fiction that takes place in the old West. Westerns books about outlaws, sheriffs, chiefs and warriors, cowboys and Indians are a genre in which we publish regularly. Our list includes international bestselling authors like Zane Gray and Louis L'Amour, and many more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.

West Of The Pecos

by Zane Grey

Published 9 October 1975
From one of the bestselling western novelists of all time, comes another classic story.

Templeton Lambeth had so desperately wanted a son an heir to ride by his side through the vast, wild ranges just west of the Pecos River. But to his disappointment, his wife bore a girl. His hopes crushed and in denial, he decides to raise his daughter as if she were a boy. In honor of Lambeth's more successful brother, they named her: Terrill.

Upon the arrival of the Civil War, Lambeth enlists in Lee's army, leaving behind his wife and tomboy daughter, with hopes to reconcile living in the shadow of his brother. By the time the war ends, Lambeth returns a colonel and his wife has passed. Tired of his old life as a cotton planter, he packs up with his tomboy daughter, Rill, and heads for the alluring western frontier to start anew.

After they arrive in the West, the Colonel is brutally murdered. Rill, disguised as a youth of eighteen who rode with the toughest, is left to fend for herself in the Wild West swarming with outlaws. Enter the one they called Pecos Smith a rugged desperado with a mysterious past and one bad reputation. Though, he may not be what he seems.

Filled with adventure, bandits, and the beautiful landscape of America in its formative years, West of the Pecos is a classic tale by one of the greatest novelists of the American west.

Skyhorse Publishing is proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in fiction that takes place in the old West. Westerns books about outlaws, sheriffs, chiefs and warriors, cowboys and Indians are a genre in which we publish regularly. Our list includes international bestselling authors like Zane Gray and Louis L'Amour, and many more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.

Shepherd of Guadaloupe

by Zane Grey

Published 17 June 1971
A soldier returns home to find his parents displaced and their property stolen in this classic Western.

"He leaned propped against the rail of the great ship, in an obscure place aft, shadowed by the life-boats. It was the second night out of Cherbourg and the first time for him to be on deck. The ridged and waved Atlantic, but for its turbulence, looked like the desert undulating away to the uneven horizon. The roar of the wind in the rigging bore faint resemblance to the wind in the cottonwoods at home a sound that had haunted him for all the long years of his absence. There was the same mystery in the black hollows of the sea as from boyhood he had seen and feared in the gloomy gulches of the foothills."

So begins Zane Grey's The Shepherd of Guadaloupe. After surviving the brutality of the First World War, Clifton Forrest returns home to find that his childhood home was stolen from his family. With his parents robbed of their property and the area under the firm control of his old acquaintance, Lundeen, Cliff must fight both his enemy and his ailing body to regain the right to a peaceful life on the land he once called home. The Shepherd of Guadaloupe tells Cliff's heroic journey as he battles Lundeen while juggling his love for his parents and the love of Lundeen's daughter, Virginia.

Skyhorse Publishing is proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in fiction that takes place in the old West. Westerns books about outlaws, sheriffs, chiefs and warriors, cowboys and Indians are a genre in which we publish regularly. Our list includes international bestselling authors like Zane Gray and Louis L'Amour, and many more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.

The Lost Wagon Train

by Zane Grey

Published November 1978
The story of a Civil War soldier finding his humanity in the face of horrible savagery.

Emerging from the Civil War a shamed and broken man, Stephen Latch turns to a life of thievery and murder. Still hoping to uphold the values of the Confederacy, Latch sets his sights on the wealth of resources pouring westward from the northern United States, putting together a band of ruthless misfits to help him stake his claim of the riches of the caravans.

Latch’s plan calls for an unusual alliance, one made with Chief Satana and his band of Kiowas. The Kiowas are in desperate need of “firewater”—the rum and whiskey that Latch keeps secreted away—and Latch plans to use it to inspire them to levels of barbarism not seen anywhere else. Once the caravan drivers and passengers are dispatched with, Latch and his men will spirit away the now ownerless wagons, never to be seen again.

The Lost Wagon Train follows Latch on his greatest attack against a train of 160 wagons, and shows how the once-haunted man turns a corner and finds a new life away from the ways of the brigand.

Skyhorse Publishing is proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in fiction that takes place in the old West. Westerns—books about outlaws, sheriffs, chiefs and warriors, cowboys and Indians—are a genre in which we publish regularly. Our list includes international bestselling authors like Zane Gray and Louis L’Amour, and many more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.