Book 10

Airlife's Airliners

by Gunter G. Endres

Published 5 October 1998
Airbus Industrie provided Europe with a chance of competing in a US-dominated marketplace and much of its success is due to its first design - the A300. This text examines in detail the history, design, production and service of the Airbus A300.

Book 14


by Gunter G. Endres

Published 1 October 2001
An in-depth study of not just Concorde, but also the Tupolev TU-144, the only two supersonic transports that made it into production and service. Alongside the fascinating development of both these aircraft, he also examines the many projects in Britain, France and the U.S. that never made it beyond the drawing board. A full account of the first Concorde accident (25 July 2000 - Paris) is also given here.