
by Peter Connolly

Published 1 September 1990
The violent eruption of Mount Vesuvius on 24 August AD 79 was one of the greatest natural disasters of all time. Thousands of people were suddenly entombed in the town of Pompeii, taken by surprise as a layer of ash and pumice, many metres thick, rained down on top of them from the long-dormant volcano. Uncovered nearly 2000 years later, Pompeii gives us an amazing record of everyday Roman life.

In this fascinating book, Peter Connolly recreates in his artwork and text every detail of the lives of the people of Pompeii. Their houses, shops, baths, theatres and more are brought vividly to life.

Roman Fort

by Peter Connolly

Published 1 July 1991
For more than 350 years the Roman Army maintained forts on Hadrian's Wall, as on all the other frontier zones of its huge empire. Excavations have now revealed what a typical fort looked like and how generations of soldiers lived, and died, to keep the Roman Peace intact. This work aims to bring the Roman fort to life and should be suitable for use in key stages 2 and 3 of the history National Curriculum.


by Peter Connolly

Published 1 April 1998