
by Ashley Davis and InScribed

Published 9 October 2014

Author Ashley Linne spent the majority of her 20s questioning what God thought of her and doubting that He even loved her. Once she realized the life-changing reality of being in Christ, she wondered what her life would be like if she viewed herself through God's eyes.

Based on the book of Romans, Inseparable gives an overview of our identity in Christ. Throughout the book, guided Bible study sections will lead you to discover truths in Scripture for yourself and challenge you to apply those truths to your everyday thought processes and choices. You'll be encouraged to look to Christ for approval, identity, and significance rather than yourself or the world around you.

Join the journey to living confidently and securely in Christ, ready to face life's challenges with strength and courage.

"A lovely, dazzling gem of a book. Written in a singular voice that speaks directly to the soul, Ashley Linne shows how to read the Scripture with a gentleness and gentility that will take the breath away from both the beginner and the scholar. This is a book for which one might be grateful on that proverbial desert island everyone asks about."-Leonard Sweet, Drew University, George Fox University, chief contributor to

Features include:

  • Relatable, conversational stories from real life
  • Practical application of dynamic Bible study methods
  • Poignant questions for introspection and development
  • Scripture text from the book of Romans for ease-of-use
  • Road map for developing a Christ-based identity


by Sarah Francis Martin and InScribed

Published 9 October 2014

Sarah remembers the exact moment when the relationship between her faith and her entire life came into clear focus. Sitting in her favorite red chair with a comfy blanket and a cup of hot tea, she snuggled in with her Bible and a new book. The book was huge, several hundred pages long, and yet it didn’t intimidate her. Written by the beloved Chuck Colson, How Now Shall We Live? focused the lens of Sarah’s life and spelled out a segregation that she had unknowingly been living with—a segregation between her faith and the rest of her life.

She has since come to understand that The Lord designed each and every one of us uniquely and put a dream in our heart that is attached to His agenda for this world.  Many of us have felt the stirring in our heart to make a difference with our life, yet we don’t always know how. The key, she found, was to surrender to God’s leading, seek him first, and allow him to do the big things He has planned with our life. In the end, God’s agenda and our dreams and passions will intersect around one very important phrase – a battle cry, if you will – “Make Jesus Famous!”

Based on Psalm 145, this invigorating study motivates women to do life differently by making Jesus famous in all aspects of life. Just RISE UP! is a call to get off the couch of complacency, live a life of praise with a humble posture and Kingdom perspective, and step into a life of true purpose.

Features include:


  • Verse by verse study of Psalm 145
  • Snippets of conversations with Sarah’s readers
  • Journaling prompts to help the reader dig deeper
  • Conversation guide for small groups

Dive Deeper

by Jenifer Jernigan and InScribed

Published 11 March 2014

Equip yourself to fall deeply in love with God's Word through this unique, interactive Bible study. Delving into the book of Ephesians, Dive Deeper is a tool for women—those who might be satisfied and content with their Bible study and for those who find themselves fearful or numb—to d.i.v.e.(define, investigate, visualize, embrace) deeper into the living and active Word of God.

Dive Deeper comes from Jenifer Jernigan's heart. As a preacher’s daughter, she grew up with some pretty heavy expectations to live up to. Jenifer found herself becoming numb to the things of God because the Bible stories were all too familiar. She longed to break through the serene surface of her safe place and d.i.v.e. deeper into Scripture. She wanted to fall in love with the stories she knew so well. Over time, Jenifer learned to do just that. Her unique Bible study method is shared in this one-of-a-kind study. Dive Deeper takes readers by the hand and jumps with them into the exhilarating waters of Bible study.

Features include:

  • Personal, easy-to-understand language
  • Helpful tips for Bible study beginners
  • Useful tools to encourage familiarity of the Bible, its contents, and study helps
  • Scripture from the book of Ephesians


Amazed and Confused

by Heather Zempel and InScribed

Published 11 March 2014

Most people have prayed for something or someone in earnest, seeking God’s will, only to be left confused by God’s response. Sometimes we ask, “Why would a good God allow bad things to happen to good people?” In Amazed and Confused, Heather Zempel tackles this question head-on by exploring the book of Habakkuk.

When the prophet Habakkuk prayed that God would bring change to the backsliding nation of Israel, this issue came to the forefront. Habakkuk begged God for revival and that He would turn the hearts of faithless people back to Him.

God’s answer to Habakkuk was, “Take a look at the nations and watch what happens! You will be shocked and amazed” (1:5, The Voice). The vision God gave Habakkuk was one of warfare and exile. How do you respond when God answers your prayers in a way that seems out of line with his character and promises?

Amazed and Confused proceeds systematically through the book of Habakkuk, exploring the prophet’s prayer, God’s response, and the prophet’s journey from confusion to worship. This interactive Bible study is the perfect choice for those who are hurting and confused about God’s responses to their prayers.

Features include:

  • Helpful guidance on a question without an easy answer
  • Practical tools for studying the Minor Prophets
  • Easy-to-understand, accessible language

The problem of infertility has reached epidemic levels in our society. It is projected that 40 percent of women currently 25 and younger will have difficulty conceiving a child or reaching a live birth.

Amanda Hope Haley had married David, the man of her dreams, and earned a master's degree from Harvard. She and David purchased their first home and settled down to start a family. All her hopes and dreams were coming true according to plan-until the family didn't happen. After spending seven years begging God for a child, Amanda discovered that God gives only one hope: Jesus. Amanda having a baby wasn't to be her happy ending. Finding wholeness by hoping only in God was her happy ending!

Using Amanda's personal stories, and the stories of other women who have struggled to have children, Barren Among the Fruitful surrounds those women struggling with infertility or miscarriage with a sense of community while providing honest facts. It leads women from confusion to understanding. Each chapter is titled with a well-meaning, but sometimes thoughtless comment Amanda was offered during her seven-year struggle with infertility.

Features include:

  • Personal stories from women who have struggled with infertility or miscarriage
  • An honest look at the problem of infertility
  • Questions for individual thought or group discussion

I Know His Name

by Wendy Blight and InScribed

Published 2 February 2016

In this five-session Bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately), Wendy Blight implements her practical and approachable style to equip readers to study the Word of God and then apply it to their own lives in practical ways. This study is for any woman who wants to move beyond simply knowing about God to really knowing God in a very personal way. Join Wendy as she teaches how the very names of God reveal His character and heart.

This study will help women to:

Realize their infinite worth as they explore the nature of the God who created and formed them. Live with bold assurance that their God is a personal God who sees them, hears them, and knows them by name. Walk confidently in knowing both who they are and Whose they are. Arm themselves with seven tools to pray more confidently and effectively in any situation or circumstance. Transform their walk with Jesus as they discover how He fulfills the Old Testament names of God.

This book includes biblical and historical background insights, practical application, and a memory verse for each chapter. The study may be completed individually or with a small group.

Chapters include:

Elohim: The One Who Created YouEl Roi: The One Who Sees YouJehovah Nissi: The One Who Stands Guard Over YouJehovah Rapha: The One Who Heals YouMore Magnificent Names

Designed for use with I Know His Name Video Study 9780310089018 (sold separately).

Inscribed is a collection of Bible studies that lead women to not just survive but thrive by encouraging them to immerse themselves in the Word of God.

I Am Loved

by Wendy Blight

Published 26 December 2017

In this five-session video Bible study, Wendy Blight shares a message for every woman who craves to truly understand, walk confidently in, and live out God's unconditional, extravagant, lavish love. It's a love she didn't understand, let alone live, until she exposed her heart to the words of 1 John. As she spent months and months with this letter, it transformed her heart in ways she could not have imagined.

John's words are especially relevant today because he wrote to an audience living in a culture not unlike our own. Through his unique perspective as Jesus' last living disciple, John sets forth what it looks like to love and live authentically for Christ. At times, his words are tender and encouraging. At other times, they are quite challenging-and may even seem harsh-as he exhorts us to lead lives of obedience. John teaches truth in no uncertain terms. But those truths are also bathed in and delivered from a heart of love.

The study is for any woman who longs to know in her head that God loves her but still struggles in her heart to personalize that love. Who wonders what it would be like to live in the absolute assurance of God's perfect love. Who wants her attitude and actions toward others to be transformed by truly comprehending the depts of God's love for her.

Through this study, Wendy will help that woman:

  • Develop a more intimate understanding of God's love that will soften and overtake her heart to more fully trust and obey Him.
  • Cease striving for "perfect" and live in the fullness of the redeeming love of the One who is perfect.
  • Gain biblical wisdom that will help her recognize, interrupt, and confess her sinful thoughts and worldly desires.
  • Process every interaction, opportunity, and relationship through the filter of God's love.
  • Defeat the fear and anxiety behind her human "what ifs" and replace them with the certainties found in God's perfect love.

More than ever, our world today desperately needs to hear God's truth spoken in love. Let it begin here. With us. Today.

Sessions include:

  • Walk in the Light
  • Walk in Obedience
  • Walk in Love
  • Walk in Faith
  • Walk in Victory
  • This pack contains one softcover book and one DVD.

    Living 'So That'

    by Wendy Blight and InScribed

    Published 11 March 2014

    In today’s world, it’s tough to make everyday decisions, let alone decisions that honor God. Our culture is increasingly driven by selfish desires. However, as Christians, our lives should not be self-centered and static; they should be others-centered and active, making a difference for the Kingdom of God.

    Living "So That” is a fresh approach to understanding God's Word, focusing on many of the powerful "so that" verses in Scripture, including Jesus Came So That. . .; God Spoke So That. . .; Pray So That. . .; Trials Come So That. . . . Through her approachable style, personal examples, and biblical teaching, Wendy equips readers to take what they study in the Word of God and practically live it out in order to impact the world around them. The result is a renewed appreciation for the power and applicability of Scripture. Through practical examples and biblical truths, Wendy helps readers gain a new perspective on daily living, equipping them to apply these biblical truths to present-day decision-making.

    Features include:

    • “Going Deeper” sections encourage readers to dig further into the truths presented
    • “Call to Action” sections challenge readers to take practical steps to apply what they have learned
    • Helpful tips and tools for practicing active faith

    Leaving Ordinary

    by Donna Gaines and InScribed

    Published 11 March 2014

    The deepest longing of the human heart is to know and be known by God. God longs for an intimate relationship with us as well. But how do we develop that kind of relationship with a holy God? It is one thing to long for such a relationship, but quite another to experience intimacy with Him. In Leaving Ordinary, Donna Gaines shares from her personal experience how prayer can become the channel that links the believer's heart to the heart of God.

    God gave the pattern of the tabernacle to the Israelites. It was a temporary and portable dwelling for His glory. Through it God taught them how to approach and worship Him before He led them to their reward-the promised land. Using the tabernacle and its articles as a guide, Donna teaches readers how to interact with God in that secret place of true intimacy that leads to worship. Your ordinary daily practice of prayer can become an extraordinary encounter with the living Lord. Leaving Ordinary is essential reading for anyone who desires to enter into and experience the reality of God's presence.

    As you read, you will:

    Explore the tabernacle and discover how it can be a guide for prayer today.Learn how to gain a stronger, more intimate relationship with God.Develop your own personal prayer testimony as you experience His presence.


    by Lara K Izokaitis and InScribed

    Published 5 January 2016