Book 1

A Wizard Named Nell

by Jackie French Koller

Published 1 October 2003
A Courageous Choice
In the magical world of Eldearth, Witches and Wizards live side by side with Humans, Weefolk, though elusive, are abundant, and Dragons and Unicorns still walk the land. But the present Imperial Wizard, Keeper of the Light that protects Eldearth, is aging and ill. If a new apprentice is not found soon, Eldearth may succumb to the evil powers of the dark Lord Graieconn. There is a long tradition in Eldearth that the keeper must be a Wizard, and only boys can be Wizards, but so far, all the boys who have attempted the difficult quest to become Apprentice Keeper have failed. Time is running out.
Princess Arenelle, a promising young Witch, has just reached eleven, the age of Magic, and wishes to undertake the quest. Her father, King Einar, forbids it, fearing for her safety and claiming that her heart is too soft. Against the King's wishes, Nell sets out into the unknown with her pet demidragon, Minna. Aided by Folk she meets along the way and an albino Dragon that she rescues from near death, Nell battles the fearsome forces of nature, Evil, and ignorance that are amassed against her. It will require all of her strength, cunning, and courage to defeat them. Does Nell have what it takes to become the next Apprentice Keeper?

Book 1

Book 2

The Wizard's Apprentice

by Jackie French Koller

Published 1 December 2003
Princess Arenelle has done what no other girl in the history of Eldearth has done! She has completed the Quest to become the next Imperial Wizard, Keeper of the Light that protects Eldearth from Evil. Soon she will be apprenticed to the current Keeper, and her training will begin.
Or will it? When Arenelle's father, King Einar, discovers that he has a long lost son, the King has a change of heart, forbidding Nell to proceed. The boy must be the Chosen One, the King decrees. It is he who should become Apprentice. Nell is in turn outraged and bewildered by this turn of events, all the more so when she discovers that her long lost brother is Owen, the very same street urchin she discovered in the Lanes and sent off to Witch Academy to pose as herself.
In this continuation of The Keeper's saga, Nell defies the King and decides to pursue the Wizardry anyway, but when her brother falls into the hands of the Dark Forces and her father sets off on a dangerous rescue mission, all else is forgotten and Nell embarks on a rescue mission of her own. Can Nell unravel the puzzle of the dark, mysterious forces that seek to prevent her -- or her brother -- from becoming the next Keeper?

Book 3

The Wizard's Scepter

by Jackie French Koller

Published 1 January 2004
Princess Arenelle, just turned eleven, the age of Magic, has overcome so much in her quest to be the next Imperial Wizard. Now, as the current Wizard grows weaker and the evil Lord Graieconn grows stronger, she must summon all her reserves of intelligence and courage to outwit the vile creatures and twisted Folk who do the bidding of the Dark Lord. They rise up now, legions of them, from the caverns of Darkearth. Driving the forces of Eldearth before them, they seek to capture and extinguish the Scepter of Light, which protects Eldearth from the supreme evil -- Graieconn himself. Nell cannot stop them alone.
Only by teaming with her twin brother, Owen, can Nell hope to defend the Scepter. But Owen is her archcompetitor for the title of Imperial Wizard! Can Nell and Owen put aside their differences and find a way to work together as the ultimate battle looms? Even then, can Eldearth be saved?