
by F.J. McLynn

Published 23 October 1989
This is the second volume of Frank McLynn's biography of Henry Morton Stanley. It covers the years 1877 to 1904. During this period of his life King Leopold II of the Belgians was a dominant figure. The complexity of Stanley's relationahsip with Leopold is here described - a story of emotional duplicity and double-dealing. Stanley collaborated with the devious Leopold to outwit the nations of Europe and thus to provide the King of the Belgians with the Congo - a personal fief in the heart of Africa. The author does not diminish Stanley's greatness but points up the dark side of the man.

Bonnie Prince Charlie

by F.J. McLynn

Published 4 July 1991
Bonnie Prince Charlie is one of history's most romantic figures, but to what extent has myth obscured reality? Possessed of the cunning and seductive charm of Charles II and the bravery of James II, Charles Edward Stuart failed in his attempt to take the English throne and ended his days in exile in Rome. Drawing on extensive original research, Frank McLynn's biography reveals a man of rare promise and quality whose ambitions were frustrated by the political complexities of his age and a personality fatally flawed during an unhappy childhood.