The Men's Room

by Ann Oakley

Published 23 June 1988
Charity Walton seem to have everything she could want: A husband, four children, a lovely house in London, and a successful career as a sociologist. Then she meets Mark Carlyle, American, suntanned, incoming Head of the Sociology Department. Having devoted herself for years to her husband and children suddenly she knows what she wants now and surrenders herself to his charismatic pull. Their sex is frequent, passionate, sometimes violent. Their love consuming yet volatile. And soon Charity, having abandoned all she has known realises that love is often far from true .A superb, frank novel of sexual politics, THE MEN'S ROOM is also a unique novel about love.

Taking it Like a Woman

by Ann Oakley

Published January 1984

Matilda’s Mistake

by Ann Oakley

Published 13 September 1993