Orlando's sympathies are aroused by poor Mrs Butterfield who has difficulties looking after her tumble-down farm. He buys the farm and begins a campaign of repairs, but he is not helped by the farm animals who have settled themselves inside the farmhouse and refuse to budge.

Orlando (the Marmalade Cat)

by Kathleen Hale

Published 19 October 1972
Orlando accidentally boards a ferry bound for France, but once he realizes what has happened he decides to make the most of his unexpected foreign holiday.

Orlando's Evening Out

by Kathleen Hale

Published 26 September 1991

In this story, Orlando and Grace decide it would be good for their kittens to keep a pet. They place an advertisement in the newspaper - to which a frightening array of animals reply. They eventually adopt Bill - simply because he refuses to leave!

A Slender Reputation

by Kathleen Hale

Published 26 May 1994
The authobiography of Kathleen Hale, the creator of the Orlando books who was born in 1898. This book describes her early years as a struggling young artist in the Bohemian art world of the 1920s, when she worked as a secretary to Augustus John, and shows how, as she finally settled into marriage and family life, she found unexpected success with Orlando the Marmalade Cat. The book is illustrated with Kathleen Hale's own drawings and sketches and many period photographs.

Orlando's Home Life

by Kathleen Hale

Published 26 September 1991