Chicken Soup for the Soul
160 total works
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Christmas Magic
by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Amy Newmark
Share the magic and joy of Christmas with the whole family. You'll love these 101 heartwarming, inspirational, and fun stories of Christmas miracles, family reunions, charity, the wonder of children, the joy of giving, and family and religious traditions. And lots of stories about Santa too, all appropriate for children!
Chicken Soup for the Soul: What I Learned from the Dog
by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Amy Newmark
You'll see your own dog with a new eye through these true stories about:
the amazing intuition and intelligence of dogsdogs teaching us to enjoy every daylearning to put things in perspectivedogs changing people's liveslearning to say goodbyefabulous rescue dogstherapy dogs
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Christmas Cheer
by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Amy Newmark
2. Books represent a new thematic experience, even for readers of past books, as Chicken Soup has tightened the content, and books contain only relevant stories. Out-of-date stories were eliminated.
3. Each book contains 101 stories recompiled from dozens of past Chicken Soup titles.
4. "Our 101 Best Stories" collection is an efficient way for new readers to obtain books covering Chicken Soup's most popular topics.
5. Every books has a warm and moving foreward from Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen explaining the company's rebirth and its return to 101 stories per book.
6. Chicken Soup for the Soul earned the Guinness World Record for having the most books on the New York Times bestseller list at one time.
7. Last year, USA Today named Chicken Soup for the Soul #5 on its list of 25 books that left a legacy over the past quarter century.
Everyone loves Christmas and the holiday season. We love reuniting scattered family members, watching the wonder in the eyes of a child, and seeing the joy on the face of a gift giver. The rituals of the holiday season give a rhythm to the years and create a foundation for our family lives. We love the chance to gather with our communities at church, at school, and even at the mall, to share the special spirit of the season, brightening those long winter days.
The first Chicken Soup for the Soup book was published in 1993, and became a publishing industry sensation, ultimately selling eight million copies. Since then, more than 150 Chicken Soup titles have been published, selling more than 100 million copies.
Chicken Soup for the Soul has won dozens of awards over the past 15 years, and its founders, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen have become celebrity motivational speakers and authors.
Chicken Soup for the Sports Fan's Soul
by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Mark Donnelly, Chrissy Donnelly, and Jim Tunney
Chicken Soup for the Gardener's Soul
by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Marion Owen, Cynthia Brian, Cindy Buck, Pat Stone, and Carol Sturgulewski
Chicken Soup for the Soul Celebrates Dogs and the People Who Love Them
by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen
Chicken Soup for the Soul Stories for a Better World
by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Bradley Winch, Susanna Palomares, Linda Williams, and Candice Carter
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Stories of Faith
by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen
A Book of Miracles
by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and LeAnn Thieman
Chicken Soup for the Soul: All in the Family
by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Amy Newmark, and Susan M Heim
Norman Rockwell's famous painting "Freedom from Want" pictures the perfect family gathered for a holiday meal. But if you're like most people, that's not what your family gatherings look like! Chicken Soup for the Soul presents YOUR FAMILY! This great new collection of stories highlights our wacky yet lovable relatives, holiday meltdowns, funny foibles, and incredible in-laws, along with more serious stories about abuse, control freaks, and flare-ups. So pull up a chair and meet the family
Teens Talk Tough Times
by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Amy Newmark
Being a teenager is difficult even under the best conditions. When bad things happen, the challenges can be overwhelming. But tough times can turn into great times... Read how other teens dealt with:
- self-destructive behavior, eating disorders, and substance abuse
- illness, injuries, and loss of friends and relatives
- divorce, moves, and other family upheavals
- finding meaning in their lives and new happiness
- overcoming obstacles and meeting challenges
Twins and triplets have a reputation for being double trouble, but they’re also multiple blessings for those whose lives they touch. These stories, written by multiples and people who love them, will touch your heart and tickle your funny bone. Read all about:
- The joys and challenges of pregnancy with multiples
- Sleepless nights and endless feedings with two or more babies
- The pranks and “switcheroos” pulled by identical twins
- The chaos and silliness of everyday life with multiples
- The special bond that twins share
- Grandparenting multiples
- Twins who arrive under special circumstances, such as adoption or surrogacy
- Adventures with multiples
- And much more!
Women have always been wonderful sources of inspiration and support for each other. Read stories written by women who share their experiences with you, and who realize there is more to being a woman than being a mother.
These heartfelt stories will inspire you, make you laugh, and make you cry. You will feel great about the woman you are - your body, your goals, your friends and your life.
The Wisdom of Dads
by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Amy Newmark
This book features 101 stories, all focusing on the wisdom of dads. Stories are written by sons and daughters about their fathers, and by fathers relating stories about their children.
The Wisdom of Dads is a special way to pay tribute to Dad, and also a great read for all fathers and children. The stories remind us of the special bond between fathers and children and the special reverence that children hold for thier wise old dads
The first Chicken Soup for the Soul book was published in 1993, and became a publishing industry sensation, ultimately selling eight million copies. Since then, more than 150 Chicken Soup titles have been published, selling more than 100 million copies.
Chicken Soup for the Soul has won dozens of awards over the past 15 years, and its founders, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen have become celebrity motivational speakers and authors.their
Heartfelt and loving stories written by mothers, grandmothers, and sons, about each other, span generations and show how the mother-son bond transcends time. Mothers and sons will enjoy these heartwarming, sometimes humorous, sometimes poignant stories from the best of Chicken Soup's library. Read about:
- interesting adventures in raising boys
- mom being a "sport"
- grateful sons
- being a single mom
- adopting a son
- funny boy moments
Divorce and Recovery
by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Patty Hansen
Going through a divorce is hard, but you are not alone. These 101 true stories are shared with you by other men and women who have divorced and come out the other side - happy, healthy, and independent.
The Chicken Soup for the Soul family shares their stories of support, inspiration, and humor to help you through all the phases of divorce:
- the initial shock
- the complicated logistics
- the needs of the kids
- self-discovery and self-reliance
- dating and remarriage
- happiness and recovery
Like Mother, Like Daughter
by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Amy Newmark
How often have you seen a teenage girl pretend to be perturbed, but secretly smile, when she is told that she acts or looks just like her mother? Fathers, brothers, and friends sometimes shake their head in wonder as girls "turn into their mothers." This collection will inspire, amuse, and warm your heart with stories on:
- the special bond between mothers and daughters
- the magical, mysterious similarities between them
- the evolution from parent and child to best friends
- the changing roles as mother takes care of child and then child takes care of mother
- the inner strength a daughter carries from her mother
- the unconditional love between grandmothers and granddaughters
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Tough Times, Tough People
by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Amy Newmark
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Tough Times, Tough People will encourage, inspire, and support you through all types of difficult situations, whether financial, health-related, family or personal issues. Read 101 personal stories from real people about meeting their challenges:
- downsizing and enjoying a simpler life
- finding the silver lining in layoffs and other economic troubles
- living with illness and disability
- surviving natural disasters
- grief and healing
- the value of family and friends
- and 10 bonus stories about using faith to pull through
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Teens Talk Relationships
by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Amy Newmark
Being a teenager is hard – but you are not alone. Read stories written by other teens who face the same problems and issues as you or your friends. Read how other teens met the challenges of new friends, new love, and changing family relationships. Teens talk:
- School and After-school
- Boyfriends and Girlfriends
- Divorce and Family Life
- Changes and New Beginnings
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Preteens Talk
by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Amy Newmark
Preteens Talk and share their stories with you. Being a preteen is harder than it looks. School is more intense, your body is changing, friends and parents seem different, you deal with crushes and cliques...
You are not alone. Read true stories written by other preteens just like you on:
- feeling insecure
- peer pressure and cliques
- divorce and loss
- best friends
- embarrassing moments
- crushes
- school and after-school