He's fought for his country, now he's fighting for his heart!

The battlefields of Badajoz are nothing compared to the cutting tongues of polite society, but Jack Vernon has never been very 'polite'. A canvas is the brooding artist's preferred company - having once been an outlet for the horror he witnessed at war, it's now his fortune.

Painting the portrait of stunningly beautiful Ariana Blane is his biggest commission yet. Learning every curve of her body ignites feelings he thought were destroyed in battle. But he's not the only man who has Ariana in his sights...

A soldier's second chance Captain Gabriel Deane has known his fair share of pain, but he'd take a dagger to the chest rather than relive the torture of rejection from the woman he loves.Saying no to Gabriel broke Emmaline Mableau's heart, but being a soldier's widow had already cost her family too much. Now she wears Gabriel's ring around her neck: a reminder of the man who can never be hers.Two years later, Emmaline's hand trembles as she goes to knock on Gabriel's door. Now she has a proposal for him, but will he say yes?

The Mysterious Miss M

by Diane Gaston

Published 7 May 2004
THE REGENCY UNDERWORLD-SEX, SCANDAL AND REDEEMING LOVE! The Mysterious Miss M is a living male fantasy-alluring, sensual, masked. But when Lord Devlin Steele finds himself responsible for her-and her child-he comes to know the real Maddy: the loving, passionate woman who drives away the nightmares of the Waterloo battlefield. But the aristocratic soldier can't support his new family. He will inherit his fortune only on marriage to a suitable lady-and Maddy is far from suitable. With the dangers of London's underworld closing in, how can he protect the woman he has come to love?

A Reputable Rake

by Diane Gaston

Published 2 September 2005

The Wagering Widow

by Diane Gaston

Published 3 December 2004

Innocence and Impropriety

by Diane Gaston

Published 5 January 2007
Jameson Flynn is a man with a mission. Until one evening in Vauxhall Gardens, when a woman's song reminds him of the world he left behind. Rose O'Keefe's beautiful voice has made her a sensation. How long before her virtue is compromised?

A Reputation For Notoriety

by Diane Gaston

Published 1 January 2013
"As the unacknowledged son of the lecherous Lord Westleigh, John "Rhys" Rhysdale was forced to earn a crust gambling on the streets. Now he owns the most thrilling new gaming establishment in London. Witnessing polite society's debauchery and excess every night, Rhys prefers to live on its fringes, but a mysterious masked lady tempts him into the throng. Lady Celia Gale, known only as Madame Fortune, matches Rhys card for card and kiss for stolen kiss. But the stakes are raised when Rhys discovers she's from the very world he despises"--Publisher.

A Lady Of Notoriety

by Diane Gaston

Published 1 January 2014
When fallen beauty Daphne, Lady Faville, is carried to safety from a rampaging fire, she's horrified to recognise her rescuer as Hugh Westleigh - a man with every reason to despise her!

But Hugh has been blinded and Daphne must nurse him back to health. Unable to see, he is driven to distraction by her tantalising scent and gentle touch. For the first time Daphne feels truly desired for herself alone. But when Hugh finally regains his sight will she find forgiveness in his arms?

The Vanishing Viscountess

by Diane Gaston

Published 2 November 2007

A woman of innocence and notoriety. . .

The prisoner stood with an expression of defiance, leather shackles on her wrists. Adam Vickery, Marquess of Tannerton, was drawn to this woman, so dignified in her plight. He didn't recognize her as the once innocent, hopeful debutante he had danced with long years ago.

Marlena Parronley, the notorious Vanishing Viscountess, was a fugitive. Seeing the dashing, carefree marquess of her dreams just reminded her that she couldn't risk letting anyone, especially Tanner, get caught up in helping her escape. He would face the same punishment she did. The hangman's noose.

Scandalising the Ton

by Diane Gaston

Published 1 October 2008

Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuries
Who is the father of her child?

Lady Wexin, once the Ton’s foremost beauty, has been abandoned by her family and friends, and creditors hound her. Her husband’s scandalous death has left her impoverished, and the gossip-mongering press is whipped into a frenzy of speculation when it becomes clear the widow is with child.

Who is the father? Only one man knows: Adrian Pomroy, Viscount Cavanley. He has cultivated the reputation of a rake, but in truth yearns for something useful to do. Delicate beauty Lydia Wexin could pose an intriguing – and stimulating – challenge…

Duty was his only mistress, until he fell in love with his enemy…

Amid the chaos of Waterloo, Captain Allan Landon stumbles upon a young boy. When long golden hair tumbles down, Allan’s faced with the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen. She reminds him of what he’s fighting for, and he silently vows to protect Miss Marian Pallant above all else.

Back in London, the battle may be won, but Allan and Marian are now on opposing sides of a different war… As Marian’s enemy, Allan has three options: to fight her, to bed her or to unconventionally wed her!