The Rules of Wealth

by Richard Templar

Published 8 December 2006


A personal code for prosperity and plenty


Some people seem to find money so easy. Easy to make, easy to hold on to, and easy to grow. The rest of us just find it easy to spend.


Is it all luck, or is there something rich people know or do that we don’t? Is it something we could all learn? The answer is a resounding yes. They know the Rules of wealth.


The Rules of wealth are the guiding principles that will help you generate more money, handle it more wisely, grow it more effectively, and use it to live a happier, more fulfilling and comfortable life. In this new edition of the worldwide bestseller, Richard Templar has added 10 brand new Rules to make your life even more rewarding. 


If you dream of having enough money never to worry about it ever again, you need The Rules of Wealth.

Rules of Management, The

by Richard Templar

Published 29 November 2004

 A definitive code for managerial success

 Some people find management so easy. They appear to be natural leaders, painlessly negotiating the system, the politics, the people, and the targets.

 Is there something they know that the rest of us don’t? Is it something we can all learn? The answer is a resounding yes. They know the Rules of management.

 These Rules are the guiding principles that show you how to inspire your team in a way that gets results. They will help you say the right thing, do the right thing, and know instinctively how to handle every situation.

In this new edition of the international bestseller, Richard Templar has added 10 new Rules to help you make management even easier and your success greater. And when you are headhunted or promoted (again), nobody will be surprised. Least of all you.

 Others can be good. You’ll be better.

Rules of Parenting, The

by Richard Templar

Published 1 January 2007
There are lots of wrong ways to bring up your kids, but there are lots of right ones, too. There's no list of instructions you have to follow to the letter if you don't want your child to end up a loser. The Rules of Parenting presents the principles to follow which you can adapt to suit you and your children. Beginning with the first rule "Relax" and continuing through 100 rules, this book presents a guide to everything a parent needs to know from toddling, school, boyfriends or girlfriends, through driving lessons and college. The book begins with a section that covers the most important rules, The Rules for Staying Sane. The rest of the sections cover the some of the big questions of parenting, including the Attitude Rules, the Discipline Rules, the Sibling Rules, the School Rules, the Teenage Rules, the Crisis Rules, all the way up to the Grown-up Rules.

The Rules of Love

by Richard Templar

Published 4 November 2008

Check out the new edition of The Rules of Love (9781447929505, available now and updated with seven brand new Rules to help you find even greater success in your relationships.

Love matters. Whether it's the romantic kind or the emotional bond between you and family or friends. Indeed latest research suggests that those who love and are loved are significantly more likely to be alive in 10 years time than those without love in their lives. Love makes us happy, and the happier we are, the longer it seems we tend to live.

But it isn't always easy to love and be loved. Love is also complicated. Relationships are invariably complex and they need to be attended to, nurtured, worked at, and invested in. It's all too easy to neglect relationships - often without realising it - and this benign neglect leaves you one day wondering why this special relationship has crumbled, unravelled, waned or lost its sparkle. Forming good relationships isn't easy either. Same sex relationships can be tricky enough (mothers and daughters, brothers and brothers) but when it's the opposite sex - especially boyfriend/girlfriend) you have the added complication that the other person is wired completely differently and may see things in completely different ways.

If you study people who are so good at relationships you discover it's not about their personality or gender or how self sacrificing they are. Those who are great in all relationships usually do have to work at it - the secret is that they know exactly where to put their efforts. They know The Rules of Love. In this book these Rules are revealed, so you too can benefit from the simple principles of forming and sustaining strong, enduring and ultimately, life enhancing relationships.

The Rules of Life

by Richard Templar

Published 8 November 2005
Some people seem naturally good at it. Life that is. They seem to sail through, being successful and happy and everything always seems to fall into place. We all know a few of them - those rare people who are happy and positive and make things happen; they have a loving family, great relationships, a supportive network and work they enjoy; they generate goodwill wherever they go and always seem to know the right thing to do -- and then do it. They balance their lives without us ever seeing them frantically juggling, much less let it all drop in a mess on the floor. They are happy and successful, with diverse interests and a zest for life. How on earth do they do it? For most of us, some of the time life can be a bit of a struggle. People are difficult, things don't go our way, there's too much to deal with and we don't know how to make it all alright again. What is it that they know, that we don't? They know the Rules of Life. A simple set of principles that if followed, will hugely increase your chances of more things going your way, and that will guide you smoothly out of the tricky times when they happen. Rules of Work worked. Live the Rules of Life.

The Rules of Work

by Richard Templar

Published 27 September 2002


A definitive code for personal success


‘The Rules of Work is an eye-opener for all those who would like to rise to the top, but don’t seem to be able to find the map.’

Sir Antony Jay, author of Yes Minister and Yes, Prime Minster, and founder of Video Arts


For some people, work is a breeze. They glide effortlessly onwards and upwards, always saying and doing the right thing, getting paid more, getting promotions, getting results.


Is there something successful people know that we don’t? You bet there is. They know the Rules of work.


These Rules are the guiding principles that will improve what you do and how you do it. They will give you the unmistakable air of confidence that will win you admiration, respect, and help you towards your next promotion. In this new edition of the international bestseller, Richard Templar has added 10 new Rules to help you get heard, noticed, acknowledged and followed.


To get ahead and stay on top, you need The Rules of Work.