2 total works
"Journey into the Rainforest" is an adventurous journey through the most magical place on earth. We explore the whole of the forest, from its floor up to the canopy and beyond. Tropical rainforests are the home of millions of strange and beautiful plants and animals. These are captured here in stunning wildlife photography, accompanied by lively text. Tim Knight has lived in the rainforests of South-East Asia, working on nature conservation projects. He regularly lectures in schools, leads youth expeditions, and raises funds for the conservation of rainforest wildlife.
"Journey into Africa" takes us on safari across the grasslands of Southern Africa. With photographs taken by the author and breathtaking first-hand accounts of the journey, the reader travels through the heat, spotting zebra, giraffes, hippos and elephants, amongst others. We learn about the habitats of the animals and hear fantastic stories around the evening campfire. Watch out for deadly snakes and angry crocodiles along the way!