A new six-part epic covering thirty years of Star Trek ® history, continuing with an adventure that takes place during the "lost years" following the historic five-year mission!


As Admiral James T. Kirk adjusts to life at Starfleet Operations on Earth, he discovers some shipping irregularities centered around Mestiko. Authorized to go on a fact-finding tour to the planet, Kirk takes along his old friend Dr. McCoy, now a civilian "old country doctor," to investigate.

What Kirk finds is a web of intrigue, complicated by his status as Dinpayav, an outsider. He must convince Raya elMora -- now a major player in the ad hoc world government of Mestiko in the years following the disaster -- to help him before Mestiko becomes the pawn of someone else's political game....

Troublesome Minds

by Dave Galanter

Published 26 May 2009
A thrilling Star Trek novel starring Kirk, Spock, and the crew of the Enterprise.

While exploring the unmapped frontier, the U.S.S. Enterprise responds to a distress call from an unknown ship. Captain James T. Kirk turns first contact into a threat of interstellar war—by saving the life of a man his own people abandoned. Berlis, colony leader of a telepathic race calling themselves the Isitri, claims not to know why those from his homeworld want him dead. Now Kirk must either find a way to wrench billions from the grip of one man, or be responsible for the destruction of two planets.

Crisis of Consciousness

by Dave Galanter

Published 28 April 2015
The crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise is completing a diplomatic mission with the Maabas, an alien race with whom they'd been sent to sign a treaty. The Maabas are a peaceful people who are not native to the star system they now inhabit, but were refugees from a great war long ago. Several hundred thousand took shelter on their new planet, and have been there for thousands of years. While they have warp capability, they do not travel the stars, but seek to explore within. The Federation's interest is in the Maabas's great intellectual resources. Their science, while behind Federation standards in some areas, excels in others. They are highly intelligent, with unique approaches, and their philosophy is in line with that of the Federation. But just as the pact is signed, the Enterprise is attacked by an unknown ship. They manage to show enough force to keep the alien vessel at bay…but a new danger arises, as their mysterious foes are the Kenisians-a race that used to inhabit this planet thousands of years ago, and now want it back.