
by Tim Burford

Published 1 November 1999
This up-to-date guide with its comprehensive information on the break-away Soviet state of Georgia has coverage on the capitol, wilderness, hikes around the Black Sea, the Caucasus mountains and much more.


by Tim Burford

Published 21 June 2010
They won the first soccer World Cup. There's a lot of beef raised on the pampa. That's all most people know about Uruguay. Bradt's "Uruguay", the only dedicated English-language guide to a country that's small yet bursting with character, shows that the adventurous tourist can uncover much more. It provides in-depth coverage of the capital Montevideo, where the colonial Old City is being restored. There's also detailed information on the coastal city of Colonia (which is on UNESCO's World Heritage List) as well as Punta del Este, to whose beaches the Buenos Aires beautiful crowd flocks each summer. There's advice, too, for active travellers who can rattle their whips on cattle-ranching estancias and spin their sticks in a game of polo or two and for nature enthusiasts keen to watch wildlife in the western wetlands and birds in Cabo Polonio and Santa Teresa. Plus, the book investigates the Brazilian influences behind Uruguay's music and dance, and the country's Afro-Uruguayan culture, most noticeable in Carnaval.


by Sophie Ibbotson and Tim Burford

Published 15 August 2016
Written and updated by expert authors who have extensive experience of living and working in Central Asia, this new, fully updated third edition of Bradt's Uzbekistan remains the definitive and only standalone practical travel guide to this increasingly liberal destination - central Asia's most populous country and the heart of the Silk Road. Offering more detail for independent travellers than any other guidebook, it includes first-hand descriptions of everything from UNESCO world heritage sites and the world's best collection of Russian avant-garde art, to riding across deserts by camel and cooking plov.
The quintessential Silk Route destination, Uzbekistan is opening up to tourism, easing visa regulations, encouraging family-owned guesthouses, building new railways (including a tunnel to the Fergana Valley) and introducing high-speed trains. With the passing of the post-Soviet strongman Islam Karimov and the election of a more reformist leader, there is an air of change about the country.
This new edition includes expanded coverage of hiking, details of new entertainment such as the sound and light show in the Registan in Samarkand, and lots of new practical information, ranging from the increasing availability of ATMs to efforts to develop tourism, visa requirements, availability of SIM cards, haggling for taxis, access to museums and booking accommodation. New maps have also been added and existing maps revised and expanded as appropriate.
Whether you're interested in culture, trekking, historical sites, archaeology and architecture, seeing endless deserts or the majestic mountainscapes of the Tien Shan range, or simply fascinated by the golden road to Samarkand and the equally famous Silk Road cities of Bukhara and Khiva, Bradt's Uzbekistan is the ideal companion.

Bradt's Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir remains the only standalone guide in English available to this stunning region of mountain wilderness and lush valleys. Although Ladakh is becoming an ever more popular destination, Zanskar, the Kashmir Valley and Jammu are still off the beaten path and full of wonders waiting to be discovered. This book is the ideal companion to these contrasting and spellbinding regions whether you want to white-water raft on the Indus, travel in a jeep along nerve- wracking mountain roads, relax on a houseboat, explore Buddhist culture in tucked away Ladakhi monasteries or hike over the high passes.
Fully updated, this new edition includes chapters on background and practical information and a dedicated chapter on trekking, with nine easy-to-follow chapters covering the whole area, including Leh, The Suru Valley and Zanskar, Srinagar and Gulmarg, The Kashmir Valley and Jammu amongst others. New for this edition are additional trekking information and trekking maps, plus new travel routes.
Ladakh, Zanskar and the Kashmir Valley have long astounded visitors with their epic Himalayan beauty. Marvel at the views from the roof of the world at the breathless Khardung La mountain pass, stroll through Eden-like Shalimar gardens, trek remote mountain trails through Ladakh and Zanskar, take a shikara ride across the lotus bedecked lakes of Srinagar and join the Buddhist monks at Thiksey Monastery for early morning prayers by candlelight. Other highlights include, the Buddhas of Kargil, the Mughal Road, Mubarak Mandi and the houseboats of Srinagar.
Whatever your interest, Bradt's Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir is an indispensable guide.


by Tim Burford

Published 7 March 2005
This guide to Chile refreshingly focuses on the country's natural history and culture. It encompasses every aspect of this geographically diverse country, from the immense deserts and peaks in the north, via the fertile central valleys, to the dense rainforests and glaciers of the south. There is opportunity to discover the culture of Chile, including mummies from the 5th century BC found in the Atacama Desert and Inca ruins. Travellers can hike the Andes, savour fine and affordable wine, and venture off shore to sail and kayak. This guide details every aspect of travel, from accommodation and eating out to national parks and sailing, in this most easy of Latin American countries for independent travellers.