
by Hans Christian Andersen

Published 1 January 1900
A tiny girl no bigger than a thumb is stolen by a great ugly toad and subsequently has many adventures and makes many animal friends, before finding the perfect mate in a warm and beautiful southern land.

The Little Match Girl

by Hans Christian Andersen

Published 1 September 1970
The wares of the poor little match girl illuminate her cold world, bringing some beauty to her brief, tragic life.

Two dishonest weavers sell the vain Emperor an invisible suit of clothes.

The Nightingale

by Hans Christian Andersen

Published 1 January 1965
Though the emperor banishes the nightingale in preference for a jeweled mechanical imitation, the little bird remains faithful and returns years later when the emperor is near death and no one else can help him.

The Wild Swans

by Hans Christian Andersen

Published December 1969
Eleven brothers, turned into wild swans by an evil stepmother, are saved by the sacrifices of their beautiful sister Elisa.