Book 3

La Escuela de Calderon

by Ann L. Mackenzie

Published 1 January 1993
This is a critical evaluation in Spanish of the dramatic art and ideology of the School of Calderon. In the first part, ideological preoccupations, artistic attitudes and theatrical conditions in the Baroque era are discussed. In the second part, selected plays are analyzed. The book explores the range of dramatic genres employed by Calderon and his school, together with the principal causes of decline in quality of plays and playwrights in the final decades of the Golden Age. Among the dramatists covered are Rojas Zorilla and Agustin Moreto.


An elucidation in Spanish of the dramatic intentions and accomplishments of the two best imitators of the inspired craftsmanship of Pedro Calderon de la Barca, this is a monograph on Rojas Zorilla and Moreto. Following an introductory section, in which she discusses and compares the differing attitudes and methods of the two dramatists, the author concentrates on their respective achievements in the genres which they practised with enthusiasm and ability.