Does believing in the Trinity make any difference in real life? These seven studies by Elizabeth McQuoid will help you grow in your understanding of the inexhaustible riches of the Trinity. Find out why the Trinity is central to our beliefs and fundamental to the working out of our faith. Learn to worship God more fully, reflect His image more clearly, and experience His transforming power in your life. Learn to better know the Father, follow the Son, and walk in the Spirit. Because the Trinity is at the heart of Christian faith and life. A Keswick Study Guide.

The cross of Christ is the heartbeat of Christianity. It is a place of pain and horror, wonder and beauty, all at the same time. It is the place where our sin collided gloriously with God's grace.

But do we really understand what the cross is all about? Or are we so caught up in the peripherals of the faith that we have forgotten the core? We need to ask ourselves:

How deep an impact has the cross made on my personality?

Do I live in the light of the freedom it has won for me?

Am I dying to myself every day, so that I can live for Christ?

Do I face suffering with faith and assurance?

Can I face death in the light of the hope of the resurrection?

The authors present us with a contemporary challenge to place all of our lives, every thought, word and deed, under the shadow of the amazing cross, and allow that cross to transform us here and now.