Book 6

The Rancher Takes A Wife

by Judith Bowen

Published 1 March 2000

Cilla Prescott has one priority in her life—her preschool in Glory, Alberta. It's rewarding work and she loves it, but it leaves little time for romance, which is just fine by Cilla.

Not so fine for rancher Jeremiah Blake. Jeremiah has decided to take courtship and marriage more seriously, and he's convinced Cilla is the woman for him. Now he just has to convince Cilla.… But this cowboy is up for the challenge—even if it takes a bachelor auction and some crafty scheming to do it.

His Brother's Bride

by Judith Bowen

Published 1 November 1999


A cowboy town in a cowboy country.

This is a place a woman could love.

These are men a woman could love!

She's pregnant-and she's his brother's wife-to-be

She met Jesse Winslow at a cattle show. They had a brief affair-and now Abby Steen is pregnant. Jesse, a rancher from Glory, Alberta, offers to marry her, and Abby accepts. She leaves her home in South Dakota to come to the Lazy SB, jointly owned by Jesse and his brother, Noah.

But while Jesse might have good intentions and lots of charm, responsibility isn't his strongest trait. That's always been Noah's department.

So when Jesse takes off-just abandons his bride before the wedding-Noah marries her instead.

Their marriage might be for the sake of her babies-twins!-but Abby and Noah soon discover they haven't made such a bad bargain. Because love that starts the slowest often lasts the longest....

O Little Town Of Glory

by Judith Bowen

Published 1 December 1998

The Doctor's Daughter

by Judith Bowen

Published 1 May 1999


A cowboy town in a cowboy country. This is a place a woman could love. These are men a woman could love!

Virginia Lake left town more than a decade ago-after a memorable night with a man her parents forbade her to see. Lucas Yellowfly, they said, was a troublemaker. Off-limits. Half-Native American and from the wrong side of town, he wasn't good enough for Dr. and Mrs. Lake. But now...everything's changed. Now Lucas is a successful lawyer in Glory. Practically a pillar of society.

And now Virginia's back, a single mother with a five-year-old son. She's looking for a job-and Lucas finds he needs someone with exactly her qualifications. Because he's always been half in love with the doctor's daughter.

He's finally got the chance to convince her that this man from Glory will make a good husband...and a good father. Her reasons for marrying him might have more to do with need than with love, but things can change. Who knows that better than Lucas Yellowfly.