Jesus: Experiencing His Touch

by Kay Arthur and David Arthur

Published 15 December 2015
A touch from Jesus can change everything.
The first six chapters of Mark’s gospel overflow with stories of people drawing near to Jesus, longing to experience firsthand the touch of the Savior. Over and over, Jesus responded with compassion, interacting on a personal level with individuals who had been cast aside by society, their circumstances deemed beyond hope.
As you delve into their stories in this powerful study—the first in a three-part study of the gospel of Mark—you’ll discover for yourself the difference it makes when you engage with Jesus personally and experience His touch in your life.

Jesus: Listening for His Voice

by Kay Arthur and David Arthur

Published 15 December 2015
Jesus spoke words of life and truth. How well are you listening?
True listening isn’t simply hearing the words of Jesus; it involves belief that results in active commitment. Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus interacted with people from all walks of life. In every case, those individuals could choose to believe His words and reap the rewards of faith—or resist the truth and miss out on everything that truly matters.
This same choice is yours today. In this second book in a three-part study of the gospel of Mark, you can read for yourself the words of Jesus in Mark 7–13. If you then align yourself with the One who is truth, you’ll experience for yourself the freedom that comes from truly listening for and following the voice of the Savior.

Ignite your Passion for God

by Kay Arthur and Mark Sheldrake

Published 15 December 2015
What does it take to fuel a faith that burns bright, no matter what?
At different times in our spiritual journey, we may discover that we’ve somehow developed apathy toward the things of God. Instead of being fueled by spiritual passion, our faith seems to be running on autopilot—or maybe sputtering to a halt as we seek excuses to avoid spiritual engagement.
Through this six-week study, your eyes will be opened to the things that can undermine our interest in the things of God, and you’ll discover practical steps you can take to ignite a fire that will propel you toward a deeper, more meaningful faith.

Discover afresh the good news of the gospel.
The long-awaited Messiah had finally arrived—only to be betrayed and sentenced to death. Why would Jesus, who knew beforehand all that would happen and who held the power of heaven at His command, submit to being humiliated, tortured, and ultimately killed?
In this powerful study centered on the final chapters of the gospel of Mark, you’ll consider for yourself all that Jesus endured to bring forgiveness to sinners and hope to the hopeless. And you’ll understand as never before why it’s so essential to share with others the good news of His death and resurrection.