The Christian and Commitment

by Jonathan Hughes

Published 28 February 2005
Jonathan Hughes in his booklet on "The Christian and commitment" has a message which should challenge every Christian. Commitment is linked with sacrifice and is the opposite to the general attitude of today. "How little can I get away with?" is often the question! This is what Jonathan terms the "Comfort zone". Commitment costs and unless we feel the pain of sacrifice then as Christians we know that we have not reached the hundred percent mark. Commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ requires a single-minded focus to our lives. That is why he Bible gives the challenge to Christians to take up the cross. To quote Jonathan's booklet: "Three things characterise a man on a cross: - He makes no plans for the future; - He is not there of his own choosing; - He can only face forward." Commitment is illustrated by examples from scripture, "Ittai the Gittite", 2 Samuel 15:19-21; "King David and the altar at Araunah", 2 Samuel 24:24; and the "Widow Woman and the two mites", Luke 21:2-3. Each of the illustrations, provide a vivid picture concerning sacrifice and therefore commitment. Lastly commitment is linked with obedience: obedience to God's word.
What is needed today, are 21st century Christians who are both committed to Christ and obedient to God's word!

Satan is a past master in the art of temptation. After all, he has had thousands of years of experience in thus opposing the people of God. None of us, in ourselves, is immune from his attacks. This book helps us to understand the nature of temptation and looks at ways to overcome it. Reality or pretence? Do not read this book unless you are prepared to be challenged by it! It surveys the Bible's teaching on hypocrisy, a subject that is all too prevalent in today's world. It also cuts right across the easy-going "What's in it for me?" attitude that characterises much of 21st Century living. It calls for a thoroughgoing commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ. Read it and be challenged! "Divide and rule" seems to be Satan's policy in his attacks on the Church today. But why does his programme for conflict have to be so successful? This book also takes a helpful look at the problems Christians face in getting on with one another.

"Who is Jesus?" is the most important question which any of us must face. Our answer to that question will determine not only the way we live in this world but also our eternal destiny. This booklet sets out in a clear, understandable way the reasons why we should believe Jesus's claims to be the Son of God. That Jesus of Nazareth was a real historical person is a well-attested fact. The evidence for His existence is greater than that for many historical figures, e.g. Julius Caesar. Yet many today would deny that He was truly Man. Because He is fully Man, yet at the same time fully God, He alone is the Saviour of the world. "Why do you call Me 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do the things which I say?" (Luke 6:46) are the telling words of Jesus. This booklet sets out the biblical view of the Lordship of Christ and challenges us to examine our response to His Lordship. Who controls the church? In today's world, it is vital to have a biblical answer to this important question. The Lord Jesus is Head of His church, His body, controlling and directing it by His Holy Spirit. A church that does not answer to its Head is as lifeless as a headless body.