The Christian and Conflict

by Gordon Kell

Published 28 February 2005
Early in his booklet Gordon reminds the readers of the words of the Lord Jesus from John 13:35, "By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." Surely among Christians there will be no conflict? Gordon goes to show that life as a Christian has its problems and conflict can arise. Neglect as found in Acts chapter 6 became a point of conflict. Gordon explores how this was handled and shows the lessons that can be learned which are still useful today. Abraham and Lot is another illustration taken up by Gordon which again contrasts the Christian attitude with the world's attitude. Do we assert our rights and seek for a settlement which gives me the advantage? Or do I trust in God to bring blessing out of the conflict? What is the Christians attitude? Show grace and forgiveness and seek to overcome the conflict in the spirit of love. Gordon goes on to show that conflict can affect all aspects of a Christians life, from the home life of marriage and family to how we get on with fellow believers in our local church. He shows how bad feelings towards others in whatever sphere of life have a damaging impact on our Christian relationships.
In all this Gordon draws from Scripture examples which are God-given to help us learn the valuable lessons of conflict management. Let us remember that will we are in conflict with fellow believers the world looks on and maybe walks away! Conflict is damaging to the Christian testimony.

The Christian and Temptation

by Gordon Kell

Published 30 September 2004
Temptation is not new. It started in the Garden of Eden when Satan tempted Eve. The outcome was disastrous for Adam and Eve, and the whole of mankind ever since. Temptation in itself is not sin; it is yielding to the temptation that brings sin. We see in this booklet how a Christian must always be on their guard, as Satan uses all means to cause us to fail. One lesson we learn from Eve is that it is dangerous to rely on what we think God's word states. We must know what God's word is. Jesus, when tempted in the wilderness, in contrast to Eve quotes and applies the word of God accurately and powerfully to defeat the temptation. Satan wanted Jesus to fail and then there would have been no possibility of Salvation for mankind. This booklet provides guidance in very simple terms on how to avoid, resist or move away from temptation. The old saying, "If you don't want the devil to tempt you with forbidden fruit, you had better keep out of his orchard." is very sound advice. The Bible instructs that there are times when we resist (1 Peter 5) and times when we run away (1 Timothy 6).
Temptation in the Christian pathway is balance by the Bible verse in 1 Corinthians 10, "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it." Finally, being victorious in temptation situations is spiritual character-forming and provides sound experience which can be of benefit to others.