Book 2

Kingdom River

by Mitchell Smith

Published 28 June 2003
Sam Monroe is the reluctant commander of a tough-minded warrior people living in what was once northern Mexico. His tiny country is flanked on the northeast by the Kingdom River, a vast, trade-driven nation that replaced the southern United States, and on the northwest by the Khanate, an empire of nomads who swept down the west coast after crossing the ice from what was once Russia. Sam's people cling to a precarious, hard-won freedom.
Toghrul Khan, leader of the Khanate, wants Kingdom's lucrative trade and lush farmlands. To get them, Sam Monroe knows, the Khan's forces will march right over his people's small towns and precious homesteads. His country's only hope is an alliance with Kingdom-but the far larger Kingdom may simply swallow them up. Unless . . .
Sam's proven ability in the field attracts the attention of Queen Joan, who rules Kingdom with a heart as cold as the Colorado ice where she was raised. But if she gives Sam Monroe command of Kingdom's forces, her loyal generals and admirals may feel a lot less loyal. Unless . . .
Young, bookish princess Rachel is the key. A marriage between Sam and the princess unites both their nations and their fighting forces and gives the commanders a way to save face.
Has the alliance been made in time? The Khan's armies are sweeping east in a rush, threatening both sides of the vast Mississippi River. Kingdom's large army and navy move excruciatingly slowly. Sam's people are fleet but greatly outnumbered. And there are other dangers Sam Monroe is just beginning to comprehend. The technologically advanced people of New England, who breed monsters in women's wombs and have learned to levitate, are watching the growing conflict between the Khan and Kingdom and more important, watching Sam as he learns not just to command but to rule.

Book 3


by Mitchell Smith

Published 1 April 2004
A generation has passed since Sam Monroe defeated the Great Khan, became King of Middle Kingdom, and ushered in an era of peace - a peace newly shattered by the deaths of the King and Queen and the murder of the Crown Prince. The only surviving member of the royal family is Bajazet, born the son of the Great Khan and adopted by the victorious King. Bajazet, barely twenty, finds himself a pawn in a game of politics and conquest being played by the twisted scientists of New England and the supposedly savage tribesmen who have been taking in, and learning from, genetically-engineered escaped New Englanders.

NO. 1 OF 3


by Mitchell Smith

Published 23 February 2002
In the frozen country of the Trappers, books are hand-copied so that knowledge may be preserved, but the technology described is mostly lost to those furclad hunters. When invaders slaughter most of the Trappers, the small band of survivors heads south, led by a man few of them trust. Holding the remnants of her people together is Doctor Catania Olsen. The journey into the warm lands will change her; mind, heart and soul. She will gain and lose a love, see great wisdom and greater folly, witness amazing miracles and terrifying science, and, most surprising to herself, become a mother. Finally she will have to choose between her people and her freedom.