Book 1

Oresama Teacher, Vol. 1

by Izumi Tsubaki

Published 14 April 2011
Can high school delinquent Mafuyu clean up her act and still kick some butt?!

Mafuyu is the no-nonsense, take-charge and hard-hitting leader of her high school gang. But when she gets expelled for being a delinquent, her mother, fed up with her daughter's wayward ways, sends Mafuyu to an isolated school far off in the country.

Determined to make the best of the situation and make her mother proud, Mafuyu decides to turn over a new, feminine, well-behaved leaf. But her fighting spirit can't be kept down, and the night before school starts she finds herself defending some guy who's getting beaten up. One slip wouldn't have been a problem, except the guy is…her teacher?! How can Mafuyu learn to be a good girl if her teacher won't let her forget her wicked past?

Book 2

Oresama Teacher, Vol. 2

by Izumi Tsubaki

Published 26 May 2011
Can high school delinquent Mafuyu clean up her act and still kick some butt?!

Mafuyu is the no-nonsense, take-charge and hard-hitting leader of her high school gang. But when she gets expelled for being a delinquent, her mother, fed up with her daughter’s wayward ways, sends Mafuyu to an isolated school far off in the country.

Mafuyu's plan to be an ordinary student seems to be working out so far. She's got a friend (Hayasaka) and a plan to join a totally normal school club (crafts). But homeroom teacher Mr. Takaomi has something different in mind—he wants Mafuyu to take down the notorious leader of the campus gang!

Book 3

Oresama Teacher, Vol. 3

by Izumi Tsubaki

Published 4 August 2011
Can high school delinquent Mafuyu clean up her act and still kick some butt?!

Mafuyu is the no-nonsense, take-charge and hard-hitting leader of her high school gang. But when she gets expelled for being a delinquent, her mother, fed up with her daughter’s wayward ways, sends Mafuyu to an isolated school far off in the country.

Mafuyu is heading home for the weekend to get some much-needed TLC. But neither her mom nor her hometown seem to be in the mood for a warm welcome. Trying to walk off the weird feelings, Mafuyu and some of her old East High comrades are caught in a trap set by the gang from West High! Can she help her former friends without compromising her fresh start?

Book 4

Oresama Teacher, Vol. 4

by Izumi Tsubaki

Published 13 October 2011
Can high school delinquent Mafuyu clean up her act and still kick some butt?!

Mafuyu is the no-nonsense, take-charge and hard-hitting leader of her high school gang. But when she gets expelled for being a delinquent, her mother, fed up with her daughter’s wayward ways, sends Mafuyu to an isolated school far off in the country.

Troublemaking student council chairman Hanabusa thinks the best way to solve the problem of two similar clubs at school is to have them fight to the death! Actually, the losers just have to disband their club. But a silly club rivalry quickly gets out of hand when Mafuyu is kidnapped by the enemy!

Book 5

Oresama Teacher, Vol. 5

by Izumi Tsubaki

Published 8 December 2011
Can high school delinquent Mafuyu clean up her act and still kick some butt?!

Mafuyu is the no-nonsense, take-charge and hard-hitting leader of her high school gang. But when she gets expelled for being a delinquent, her mother, fed up with her daughter’s wayward ways, sends Mafuyu to an isolated school far off in the country.

Mafuyu is looking forward to a relaxing day at the beach after all the recent commotion at school. But with Takaomi tagging along she should have known better than to expect calm and quiet. He plays rescuer to a couple getting harassed by delinquents and of course makes everything worse. Now Mafuyu has to save her vacation and her teacher!

Book 6

Oresama Teacher, Vol. 6

by Izumi Tsubaki

Published 2 February 2012
Can high school delinquent Mafuyu clean up her act and still kick some butt?!

Mafuyu is the no-nonsense, take-charge and hard-hitting leader of her high school gang. But when she gets expelled for being a delinquent, her mother, fed up with her daughter’s wayward ways, sends Mafuyu to an isolated school far off in the country.

The student council's very own ninja, Shinobu Yui, is set on destroying Mafuyu's club. He thinks he can take it down by taking on Mafuyu, but he didn't count on the power of her alter ego, Super Bun! Besides, Mafuyu really has better things to do with her time, like attempting to be a regular high schooler and beating the secrets out of her teacher, Mr. Saeki.

Book 7

Oresama Teacher, Vol. 7

by Izumi Tsubaki

Published 12 April 2012
Can high school delinquent Mafuyu clean up her act and still kick some butt?!

Mafuyu is the no-nonsense, take-charge and hard-hitting leader of her high school gang. But when she gets expelled for being a delinquent, her mother, fed up with her daughter’s wayward ways, sends Mafuyu to an isolated school far off in the country.

Mafuyu finally discovers the truth behind Takaomi’s bizarre bet with the principal of Midorigaoka Academy! The twisted tale elicits her sympathy, and she decides to put her all into helping him out. But her all may be less than she hopes as she faces down the looming threat of…finals!

Book 8

Oresama Teacher, Vol. 8

by Izumi Tsubaki

Published 7 June 2012
Can high school delinquent Mafuyu clean up her act and still kick some butt?!

Mafuyu is the no-nonsense, take-charge and hard-hitting leader of her high school gang. But when she gets expelled for being a delinquent, her mother, fed up with her daughter’s wayward ways, sends Mafuyu to an isolated school far off in the country.

Summer break doesn’t mean rest and relaxation for Mafuyu. She has a ton of homework to finish, but finds herself distracted when a drunken colleague shows up at Takaomi’s apartment. It’s up to Mafuyu to convince the guy that Takaomi is a good teacher, but will he take the word of an obvious delinquent?!

Book 9

Oresama Teacher, Vol. 9

by Izumi Tsubaki

Published 2 August 2012
Can high school delinquent Mafuyu clean up her act and still kick some butt?!

Mafuyu is the no-nonsense, take-charge and hard-hitting leader of her high school gang. But when she gets expelled for being a delinquent, her mother, fed up with her daughter’s wayward ways, sends Mafuyu to an isolated school far off in the country.

The yearly culture festival is coming up fast, and it’s a great chance for Midorigaoka Academy to shine. But disappearing students and rising tensions between the academy and nearby Kiyama High could turn the festival into a full-on disaster! Can a pack of delinquents save the day and the school?

Book 10

Oresama Teacher, Vol. 10

by Izumi Tsubaki

Published 11 October 2012
Can high school delinquent Mafuyu clean up her act and still kick some butt?!

Mafuyu is the no-nonsense, take-charge and hard-hitting leader of her high school gang. But when she gets expelled for being a delinquent, her mother, fed up with her daughter’s wayward ways, sends Mafuyu to an isolated school far off in the country.

Yui might be a spy for the Student Council, but he still takes his duties as a member of the Public Morals Club very seriously! When he notices that the club has been a little stagnant lately, he decides to liven things up with some ninja training. But while he’s whipping Mafuyu and Hayasaka into shape, forces on the Student Council are working against him…

Book 11

Oresama Teacher, Vol. 11

by Izumi Tsubaki

Published 6 December 2012
Can high school delinquent Mafuyu clean up her act and still kick some butt?!

Mafuyu is the no-nonsense, take-charge and hard-hitting leader of her high school gang. But when she gets expelled for being a delinquent, her mother, fed up with her daughter’s wayward ways, sends Mafuyu to an isolated school far off in the country.

Hayasaka has been gloomier than usual since he hasn’t been able to see Super Bun in a long time. Shinobu butts his ninja nose in and suggests Hayasaka and Super Bun go on date for Christmas Eve. Mafuyu very reluctantly agrees to play “matchmaker,” and dons the rabbit mask to help cheer up her friend. But the date goes much better than she expected! How is she going to deal with Hayasaka now?

Book 12

Oresama Teacher, Vol. 12

by Izumi Tsubaki

Published 14 February 2013
Can high school delinquent Mafuyu clean up her act and still kick some butt?!

Mafuyu is the no-nonsense, take-charge and hard-hitting leader of her high school gang. But when she gets expelled for being a delinquent, her mother, fed up with her daughter’s wayward ways, sends Mafuyu to an isolated school far off in the country.

After her stunning defeat at the hands of Ayabe from the Student Council, Mafuyu is determined to know her enemy. But instead of getting the inside scoop on how to bring him down, Mafuyu finds herself making a new friend. When it becomes clear that her new friend has family issues, Mafuyu vows to help him out…even if it takes extreme force!

Book 13

Oresama Teacher, Vol. 13

by Izumi Tsubaki

Published 11 April 2013
Can high school delinquent Mafuyu clean up her act and still kick some butt?!

Mafuyu is the no-nonsense, take-charge and hard-hitting leader of her high school gang. But when she gets expelled for being a delinquent, her mother, fed up with her daughter’s wayward ways, sends Mafuyu to an isolated school far off in the country.

So far every Student Council member who has gone up against Mafuyu and the Public Morals Club has fallen to the team’s superior friendship skills. But Kanon Nonoguchi has a plan to turn their strengths against them! She’s spreading rumors that Midorigaoka girls are in danger and counting on Super Bun to run to the rescue…and right into her trap!

Book 14

Oresama Teacher, Vol. 14

by Izumi Tsubaki

Published 1 August 2013
Can high school delinquent Mafuyu clean up her act and still kick some butt?!

Mafuyu is the no-nonsense, take-charge and hard-hitting leader of her high school gang. But when she gets expelled for being a delinquent, her mother, fed up with her daughter’s wayward ways, sends Mafuyu to an isolated school far off in the country.

Kanon Nonoguchi, enemy to the Public Morals Club, has been kidnapped by the Kiyama High delinquents! So of course Mafuyu and her club mates set off at once to rescue their nemesis. But even if Mafuyu and the others can help Kanon break out of the Kiyama storage shed, will she be able to escape her painful past?

Book 15

Oresama Teacher, Vol. 15

by Izumi Tsubaki

Published 5 December 2013
Can high school delinquent Mafuyu clean up her act and still kick some butt?!

Mafuyu is the no-nonsense, take-charge and hard-hitting leader of her high school gang. But when she gets expelled for being a delinquent, her mother, fed up with her daughter’s wayward ways, sends Mafuyu to an isolated school far off in the country.

Mafuyu is really happy to be a normal student going on a normal school trip. In her delinquent past, school trips were all about beating up on hooligans from other schools, so she’s excited at the chance to relax and enjoy the activities. But it turns out her old rivals from West High are in the same town on their school trip! Will Sakurada ruin her cherished taste of normalcy?!

Book 16

Oresama Teacher, Vol. 16

by Izumi Tsubaki

Published 10 April 2014
Can high school delinquent Mafuyu clean up her act and still kick some butt?!

Mafuyu is the no-nonsense, take-charge and hard-hitting leader of her high school gang. But when she gets expelled for being a delinquent, her mother, fed up with her daughter’s wayward ways, sends Mafuyu to an isolated school far off in the country.

After returning from the school trip, Mafuyu and the rest of the Public Morals Club learn all about Akki’s adventure with Komari. The story makes Mafuyu realize that all the attacks from the Student Council so far have been solo affairs. Why haven’t they teamed up to take down the Public Morals Club? Determined to get to the bottom of this mystery, Mafuyu sneaks into Hanabusa’s lair…the Student Council Room!

Book 17

Oresama Teacher, Vol. 17

by Izumi Tsubaki

Published 6 November 2014
Can high school delinquent Mafuyu clean up her act and still kick some butt?!

Mafuyu is the no-nonsense, take-charge and hard-hitting leader of her high school gang. But when she gets expelled for being a delinquent, her mother, fed up with her daughter’s wayward ways, sends Mafuyu to an isolated school far off in the country.

Someone has been blackmailing members of the Public Morals Club into resigning! Mafuyu and Hayasaka have figured out what got Akki and Okegawa to quit, but Yui rejoined the student council and they haven’t seen him for days. Worried about their friend, they break into his room to find him. But Yui’s defection wasn’t coerced—and he’s more determined than ever to protect Miyabi’s interests! Will this be the end to more that just their friendship?!

Book 18

Oresama Teacher, Vol. 18

by Izumi Tsubaki

Published 9 April 2015
Can high school delinquent Mafuyu clean up her act and still kick some butt?!

Mafuyu is the no-nonsense, take-charge and hard-hitting leader of her high school gang. But when she gets expelled for being a delinquent, her mother, fed up with her daughter’s wayward ways, sends Mafuyu to an isolated school far off in the country.

It’s summertime, and the students of Midorigaoka Academy are indulging in the time-honored tradition of a test of courage! A walk through a “haunted woods,” it beats the heat by chilling the blood and forms bonds of friendship through shared terror. It’s the perfect activity for Mafuyu! But not everyone joining the fun has pure-hearted revelry in mind—some mysterious villains are using the test of courage as a cover to attack the Public Morals Club!

Book 19

Oresama Teacher, Vol. 19

by Izumi Tsubaki

Published 3 December 2015
Can high school delinquent Mafuyu clean up her act and still kick some butt?!

Mafuyu is the no-nonsense, take-charge and hard-hitting leader of her high school gang. But when she gets expelled for being a delinquent, her mother, fed up with her daughter’s wayward ways, sends Mafuyu to an isolated school far off in the country.

Hayasaka is losing his memories! It’s a stressful situation, but he doesn’t really remember his friends in the Public Morals Club, so he doesn’t have anyone to turn to for help. When he gets suspended for fighting, he decides there’s no reason to go back to Midorigaoka. But Mafuyu and Yui aren’t going to give up on their friend, even if they have to travel deep into the mountains to a house full of dark secrets to find him!

Book 20

Oresama Teacher, Vol. 20

by Izumi Tsubaki

Published 2 June 2016
Can high school delinquent Mafuyu clean up her act and still kick some butt?!

Mafuyu is the no-nonsense, take-charge and hard-hitting leader of her high school gang. But when she gets expelled for being a delinquent, her mother, fed up with her daughter’s wayward ways, sends Mafuyu to an isolated school far off in the country.

After the burden of his past sent Hayasaka fleeing into the stormy night, his dad is finally ready to reveal their family secrets. But is Hayasaka ready to remember why his memories started to disappear in the first place?!