jQuery Pocket Primer

by Oswald Campesato

Published 30 March 2015
As part of the new Pocket Primer series, this book provides an overview of the major aspects, the source code, and tutorial videos to use jQuery. DVD with code, videos, and graphics included.

  • Integrated coverage of CSS3, jQuery and other important JS toolkits
  • Covers jQuery Mobile and HTML5 hybrid mobile apps
  • Covers BackboneJS and Twitter Bootstrap
  • Includes companion DVD with source code, tutorial videos, and 4-color graphics


by Oswald Campesato

Published 11 May 2017
As part of the best selling Pocket Primer series, this book provides an overview of the major aspects and the source code to use the latest versions of Android. It has coverage of the fundamental aspects of Android that are illustrated via code samples for versions 4.x through 7.x and features the Google Pixel phone.

This Pocket Primer is primarily for self-directed learners who want to learn Android programming and it serves as a starting point for deeper exploration of its numerous applications. Companion disc (also available for downloading from the publisher) with source code, images, and appendices.

  • Contains latest material on Android VR, graphics/animation, apps, and features the new Google Pixel phone
  • Includes companion files with all of the source code, appendices, and images from the book
  • Provides coverage of the fundamental aspects of Android that are illustrated via code samples for versions 4.x through 7.x
  • On the Companion Files:
  • Source code samples
  • All images from the text (including 4-color)
  • Appendices

    No detailed description available for "Angular and Machine Learning Pocket Primer".

    As part of the best-selling PocketPrimer series, this book is designed tointroduce readers to an assortment of powerful command-line utilities that canbe combined to create simple, yet powerful shell scripts. While all examplesand scripts use the "bash" command set, many of the concepts translate intoother command shells (such as sh, ksh,zsh, and csh), including the concept of piping data between commands, regular expression substitution, and the sed and awk commands. Aimed at a reader relatively new to working in a bash environment, the book is comprehensive enough to be a good reference and teach a few new techniques to those who already have some experience with creating shell scripts. It contains a variety of code fragments and shell scripts for data scientists, data analysts, and other people who want shell-based solutions to"clean" various types of text files. In addition, the concepts and code samplesin this book are useful for people who want to simplify routine tasks.

    • Takes introductory concepts and commands in bash, and then demonstrates their uses in simple yet powerful shell scripts
    • Contains a variety of code fragments and shell scripts for data scientists, data analysts, and other people who wantshell-based solutions to "clean" various types of text files

    No detailed description available for "Angular and Deep Learning Pocket Primer".

    No detailed description available for "D3 Data-Driven Documents Pocket Primer".

    SQL Pocket Primer

    by Oswald Campesato

    Published 23 March 2022

    No detailed description available for "Python Tools for Data Scientists Pocket Primer".

    No detailed description available for "Java for Developers Pocket Primer".

    No detailed description available for "Python Data Structures Pocket Primer".

    No detailed description available for "TensorFlow Pocket Primer".

    As part of the best-selling Pocket Primer series, this book is designed to introduce beginners to basic machine learning algorithms using TensorFlow 2. It is intended to be a fast-paced introduction to various “core” features of TensorFlow, with code samples that cover machine learning and TensorFlow basics. A comprehensive appendix contains some Keras-based code samples and the underpinnings of MLPs, CNNs, RNNs, and LSTMs. The material in the chapters illustrates how to solve a variety of tasks after which you can do further reading to deepen your knowledge. Companion files with all of the code samples are available for downloading from the publisher by emailing proof of purchase to info@merclearning.com.


    • Uses Python for code samples
    • Covers TensorFlow 2 APIs and Datasets
    • Includes a comprehensive appendix that covers Keras and advanced topics such as NLPs, MLPs, RNNs, LSTMs
    • Features the companion files with all of the source code examples and figures (download from the publisher)

    The goal of this book is to introduce readers to three powerful command line utilities that can be combined to create simple yet powerful shell scripts for performing a multitude of tasks. The code samples and scripts use the bash shell, and typically involve very small text files so that you can focus on understanding the features of grep, sed, and awk. In the simplest terms, grep (global regular expression print) will search input files in data for certain words or word patterns and print the lines that match it. sed is useful for changing or modifying data. Awk is a programming language also used for searching a data file for certain patterns, but can also perform certain tasks on the pattern matches it finds. Aimed at a reader relatively new to working in a bash environment, the book is comprehensive enough to be a good reference and teach a few new tricks to those who already have some experience with these command line utilities.

    • Designed for readers relatively new to working in a bash environment
    • Introduces readers to three powerful command line utilities that can be combined to create simple yet powerful shell scripts for performing a multitude of tasks