Jazz and Blues

by Roger Thomas

Published 15 June 1998
Briefly discusses jazz and blues music and introduces some of their instruments, including saxophone, brass instruments, and piano.

Rock, Pop and Dance

by Roger Thomas

Published 15 June 1998
Briefly discusses rock, pop, and dance music and introduces some of their instruments, including electric guitar, drum kit, and computer sequencers.

Classical Music

by Roger Thomas

Published 15 June 1998
Introduces some of the instruments used in classical music, including the violin, trumpet, and flute, as well as early instruments.

World Music

by Roger Thomas

Published 15 June 1998
Introduces some of the instruments used in world music, including the Indian sitar and tabla, Australian didgeridu and bullroarer, and African kora and sansa.

Religious Music

by Roger Thomas

Published 15 June 1998
Introduces the role of musical instruments in Christian and gospel choirs, Tibetan and Japanese temples, Jewish and Hindu ceremonies, and use by concert, theater, and rock groups.

Folk and Country

by Roger Thomas

Published 15 June 1998
Briefly discusses folk and country music and introduces some of their instruments, including guitar, banjo, and homemade instruments.