Book 70

Thisisthe?rstbookinworldliteraturedevotedtoapplicationsoftheisotopic e?ect in solids. It is accessible to physicists, chemists, electronic engineers, and material scientists alike. This book is intended both as tutorial and as reference. Readers seeking to learn the basics of application of the isotopic e?ect in solids should start by reading the ?rst few overview chapters, and then dig into descriptions of speci?c applications to see how they really work. It is hoped that it will be useful to undergraduate and graduate students of physics and optics as well as engineers, physicists, material scientists, and medical doctors who are interested in investigation or applications of the isotopic e?ect in solids. This book is a state-of-the-art introduction to very recent activity in solid-state physics which has developed in the main during the last half century and promises a new technology of isotopic engineering. Important applications are to be expected for information storage and dev- oping materials for computer memory, quantum computers, isotopic ?bers, isotopic optoelectronics, and quantum electronics as well as UV lasers. The references I cite are those with which I am most familiar and which have helped us understand the subject as presented here. There has been no attempttogivecredittoeachcontributor,butIhavetriedtocitetheoriginal papers, which brought new and important results (methods) to applications of the isotopic e?ect in solids, covered in this text.

Book 162

This book provides a concise introduction to the newly created sub-discipline of solid state physics isotopetronics. The role of isotopes in materials and their properties are describe in this book. The problem of the enigma of the atomic mass in microphysics is briefly discussed. The range of the applications of isotopes is wide: from biochemical process in living organisms to modern technical applications in quantum information. Isotopetronics promises to improve nanoelectronic and optoelectronic devices. With numerous illustrations this book is useful to researchers, engineers and graduate students.

Book 248

This book describes new trends in the nanoscience of isotopic materials science. Assuming a background in graduate condensed matter physics and covering the fundamental aspects of isotopic materials science from the very beginning, it equips readers to engage in high-level professional research in this area. The books main objective is to provide insight into the question of why solids are the way they are, either because of how their atoms are bonded with one another, because of defects in their structure, or because of how they are produced or processed. Accordingly, it explores the science of how atoms interact, connects the results to real materials properties, and demonstrates the engineering concepts that can be used to produce or improve semiconductors by design. In addition, it shows how the concepts discussed are applied in the laboratory. The book addresses the needs of researchers, graduate students and senior undergraduate students alike. Although primarily written for materials science audience, it will be equally useful to those teaching in electrical engineering, materials science or even chemical engineering or physics curricula. In order to maintain the focus on materials concepts, however, the book does not burden the reader with details of many of the derivations and equations nor does it delve into the details of electrical engineering topics.