This book presents Hyper-lattice, a new algebraic model for partially ordered sets, and an alternative to lattice. The authors analyze some of the shortcomings of conventional lattice structure and propose a novel algebraic structure in the form of Hyper-lattice to overcome problems with lattice. They establish how Hyper-lattice supports dynamic insertion of elements in a partial order set with a partial hierarchy between the set members. The authors present the characteristics and the different properties, showing how propositions and lemmas formalize Hyper-lattice as a new algebraic structure.

This book examines how the wonders of AI have contributed to the battle against COVID-19. Just as history repeats itself, so do epidemics and pandemics. In the face of the novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19, the book explores whether, in this digital era where artificial intelligence is successfully applied in all areas of industry, we are doing any better than our ancestors did in dealing with pandemics. One of the most contagious diseases ever known, COVID-19 is spreading like wildfire around and has cost thousands of human lives.
The book discusses how AI can help fight this deadly virus, from early warnings, prompt emergency responses, and critical decision-making to surveillance drones. Serving as a technical reference resource, data analytic tutorial and a chronicle of the application of AI in epidemics, this book will appeal to academics, students, data scientists, medical practitioners, and anybody who is concerned about this global epidemic.

This book offers an overview of audio processing, including the latest advances in the methodologies used in audio processing and speech recognition. First, it discusses the importance of audio indexing and classical information retrieval problem and presents two major indexing techniques, namely Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition (LVCSR) and Phonetic Search. It then offers brief insights into the human speech production system and its modeling, which are required to produce artificial speech. It also discusses various components of an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system.  Describing the chronological developments in ASR systems, and briefly examining the statistical models used in ASR as well as the related mathematical deductions, the book summarizes a number of state-of-the-art classification techniques and their application in audio/speech classification.  By providing insights into various aspects of audio/speech processing and speech recognition, this book appeals a wide audience, from researchers and postgraduate students to those new to the field.

This book discusses in detail the latest trends in sentiment analysis,focusing on “how online reviews and feedback reflect the opinions of users and have led to a major shift in the decision-making process at organizations.” Social networking has become essential in today’s society. In the past, people’s decisions to buy certain products (and companies’ efforts to sell them) were largely based on advertisements, surveys, focus groups, consultants, and the opinions of friends and relatives. But now this is no longer limited to one’s circle of friends, family or small surveys;it has spread globally to online social media in the form of blogs, posts, tweets, social networking sites, review sites and so on.

Though not always easy, the transition from surveys to social media is certainly lucrative. Business analytical reports have shown that many organizations have improved their sales, marketing and strategy, setting up new policies and making decisions based on opinion mining techniques.