Book 1

The classic story of seven children with a longing to be on stage: the inspiration for actors from Maggie Smith to Eileen Atkins

'An enchanting book. A must for any child who wants to become an actor' --Eileen Atkins

'And now,' said Nigel, 'the big event. The play, which has got to be exciting.'
'And serious,' added Vicky.
'And colourful,' put in Sandra.
'And emotional,' said Lyn.
'But not sloppy,' urged Bulldog.

What starts as a game during the holidays soon transforms the four girls - Lyn, Sandra, Vicky and Maddy - and three boys - Bulldog, Nigel and Jeremy - into the Blue Door Theatre Company, producing everything from scripts and sets to music and costumes. They are also learning that the show must go on, even in the face of their arch-enemy, Mrs Potter-Smith, a disapproving local institution.

But what a show it will be for them all...

Pamela Brown (1924-1989) was a British writer, actor and television producer. She was just fourteen when she started writing her first book, and the town of Fenchester in the book is inspired by her home town of Colchester. During the Second World War, she went to live in Wales, so The Swish of the Curtain was not published until 1941, when she was sixteen. She used the earnings from the books to train at RADA, and became an actor and a producer of children's television programmes.

Book 2

Maddy Alone: Book 2

by Pamela Brown

Published 5 July 2018

The second book in the Blue Door series, following on from The Swish of the Curtain, the classic story which inspired actors from Maggie Smith to Eileen Atkins

"I wanted to act before I read this book, and afterwards there was no stopping me" Maggie Smith

All that lay ahead were examinations and then the blankness of the holidays. For the hundredth time Maddy thought, 'Oh, why am I only twelve? Why do the others always do all the exciting things before me?'

Stuck at home while the older members of the Blue Door Theatre Company attend London's Actors' Guild, Maddy is lonely and frustrated. Under some gentle advice from the Bishop, she finds her way onto the set of a film being shot at a local castle, and works her usual charm on the cast and crew.

But will this opportunity realise Maddy's dreams of becoming an actress - or will it end her career before it has even begun?

Pamela Brown (1924-1989) was a British writer, actor then television producer. She was just fourteen when she started writing her first book, and the town of Fenchester in the book is inspired by her home town of Colchester. During the Second World War, she went to live in Wales, so The Swish of the Curtain was not published until 1941, when she was sixteen. She used the earnings from the books to train at RADA, and became an actor and a producer of children's television programmes.

Book 3

Golden Pavements: Book 3

by Pamela Brown

Published 6 September 2018
As the six older members of the Blue Door Theatre Company set off for drama school in London, they are united in their ambition to establish their own professional theatre back home in Fenchester. However, the bright lights of the West End prove so dazzling that at least one of the friends is soon tempted to abandon that ambition for the sake of her own promising career.

Following the characters from the classic of children's literature The Swish of the Curtain through two exciting years of drama school and their first taste of professional success, Golden Pavements is the third book in the Blue Door series.

Book 3

Golden Pavements

by Pamela Brown

Published 20 July 2009

Book 4

Blue Door Venture

by Pamela Brown

Published 1 March 2011

Book 4

Blue Door Venture: Book 4

by Pamela Brown

Published 6 December 2018

The fourth book in the Blue Door series, which starts with The Swish of the Curtain, the classic story which inspired actors from Maggie Smith to Eileen Atkins

'I wanted to act before I read this book, and afterwards there was no stopping me' Maggie Smith

During the afternoon rehearsal Mr Chubb poked his nose round the door and called out, 'You'd better be good this evening. Mrs Potter-Smith has just rung up and booked three seats.' They groaned expressively.

'Is that woman still alive?' demanded Maddy.

The Blue Door Theatre Company has finally been launched in Fenchester, and if they can manage the money worries, the temperamental heating and the rumours spread by their old enemy Mrs Potter-Smith, the young crew might actually make it a success - success that seems assured when an unexpected helper arrives.

But is Lucky everything he seems - or is the brand-new Blue Door Theatre Company about to face its worst luck yet?

Pamela Brown (1924-1989) was a British writer, actor then television producer. She was just fourteen when she started writing her first book, and the town of Fenchester in the book is inspired by her home town of Colchester. During the Second World War, she went to live in Wales, so The Swish of the Curtain was not published until 1941, when she was sixteen. She used the earnings from the books to train at RADA, and became an actor and a producer of children's television programmes.

Book 5

Maddy Again: Book 5

by Pamela Brown

Published 3 January 2019
Maddy got up and did her Junior Miss speech, trying not to overdo the comedy. Her American accent was hideous, and very funny, and all the class began to giggle. The whole class clapped when she had finished, and Mr Manyweather roared with laughter. 'What a little horror!' he cried. 'I've never seen anything so nauseating, but excellent!'

Maddy is on her own again at the Actors' Guild in London, while the others work at the Blue Door Theatre. But she's not entirely alone: she has a new roommate, a new chaperone and an inspiring new teacher, Mr Manyweather, brought in to introduce students to the very different world of television.

With these friends, can Maddy survive her first taste of failure - or is she embarking on her greatest acting adventure yet?

Book 5

Maddy Again

by Pamela Brown

Published 1 November 2012