
by Beatrice Hollyer and Lucy Smith

Published 27 November 1997
Breast or bottle? When to start on solids? How do you deal with a child who refuses to eat? These and other questions are regularly asked by anxious parents. The answers are explained in this practical book which encourages parents to respond to their child's needs, so that mealtimes go smoothly from the start. Discussing whether to breast-feed or bottle-feed babies, and showing how to combine both methods, this book also advances practical advice on moving on to solid food. Easy ideas for nutritious food for older children are provided, ensuring trouble-free mealtimes and the avoidance of conflict over food. Showing how easy it is to feed babies nutritious, healthy food from childhood while keeping effort, stress, time and expense to a minimum, the book offers practical suggestions for tackling problems, but, most importantly, advice about how to avoid them in the first place.