Book 1

The Black Gryphon

by Larry Dixon and Mercedes Lackey

Published 9 December 1993
An exciting prehistory offshoot of the bestselling Valdemar series. In the tradition of her previous novels, Lackey spins a tale of high action, sorcery, and adventure taking place a thousand years before Valdemar is established, with magic a wild and uncontrolled force.

Book 2

The White Gryphon

by Mercedes Lackey

Published 1 April 1995
Follow-up to "The Black Gryphon" and set 500 years before the "Heralds of Valdemar" series, this fantasy continues the saga of the magically gifted team who are fighting to defend their country from evil - gorgeously rendered gryphons and fabled creatures.

Book 3

The Silver Gryphon

by Mercedes Lackey and Larry Dixon

Published 18 March 1996
The third and final book in Mercedes Lackey's classic Mage Wars trilogy featuring the gryphons, set in the beloved fantasy world of Valdemar

A dozen years of peace have passed in the city of White Gryphon, providing well-deserved and much-needed security for the people who lost their homes in the magical Cataclysm that killed the Mage Urtho, creator of the gryphons.

But the inhabitants of White Gryphon have not forgotten their long struggles, and have trained an elite guard force, the Silver Gryphons, to protect their city, and if necessary, to join with the army of the Black Kings for mutual defense.