Daisy Picture Books
6 primary works • 11 total works
Book 1
Book 3
Book 4
Book 5
Daisy is back and this time she's not just Daisy, she's 006 and a Bit, spy extraordinaire. With her black felt-tip moustache, dark glasses, secret spy gadgets and special spy code, she's poised and ready for action. There's just one problem, nobody can understand a word she's saying! Mrs Pike the neighbour, Tiptoes the cat and even Gabby, Daisy's best friend, are all baffled by her spy language.
Poor 006 and a Bit is about to abandon her mission when a mysterious stranger with a blue moustache and purple beard deep pokes his head around the door . . .
Book 6
Book 7
Here comes trouble!
A super-dooper Daisy picture book - from Kes Gray, author of the bestselling Oi Frog and Friends, and Nick Sharratt, award-winning illustrator of You Choose and Pants!
Daisy does NOT like peas. And there is NOTHING that will get her to eat them.
Mum says she can have an extra pudding, a chocolate factory or a space rocket with DOUBLE RETRO LASER BLAMMERS - but it just won't work! Can quick-thinking Daisy save her tea time and come up with a cunning plan to turn the tables on Mum?
This wickedly funny story will appeal to cheeky children everywhere (especially fussy eaters!).
"Young children will love this book. It's a must read in our house and with my class!" - a 5 star reviewer
Here comes trouble!
A super-dooper Daisy picture book - from Kes Gray, author of the bestselling Oi Frog and Friends, and Nick Sharratt, award-winning illustrator of You Choose and Pants!
Daisy's Mum tells her: “Don't pick your nose!” “You do!” says Daisy!
Daisy’s Mum tells her: “Don’t slurp your soup!” “You do!” says Daisy!
EVERY TIME Daisy’s Mum tells her off for a bad habit, Daisy reminds Mum of when she did the same! Daisy is certainly very observant. . .
A hilarious story that will appeal to cheeky children everywhere (and their long-suffering grown-ups!).