Book 34

Family Wealth

by James E Hughes

Published 1 June 2004

Avoid "Shirtsleeves to Shirtsleeves" by Finding Your Voice Growing up in a family with significant wealth or a family business can often feel like an exercise in silence. What should you ask? Whom should you ask? When? Is it ever right to talk about such things? The Voice of the Rising Generation speaks directly to those who find themselves living in that silence, the so-called "next generation." Great wealth or a family business can act like a "black hole," sapping the dreams and aspirations of future generations who feel that they can never measure up to the fortune's founder. This book, written by a psychologist, an educator, and a wise counselor who single-handedly changed the landscape of family wealth, diagnoses with economy and precision the cause of entitlement and dependency. It is not too much money or too few chores. It is the failure of rising generations to individuate, that is, to pursue their dreams, develop their resilience, and find their voice. Many books are addressed to parents and grandparents who worry about the effects of wealth on their descendants.
Almost alone in the field, this book speaks directly to 20-, 30- and 40-somethings, encouraging them literally, giving them courage to meet the challenge of integrating wealth's power into their lives, rather than disappearing into the black hole. Readers will: * Come to understand the true causes of entitlement and dependency * Identify the psychological characteristics of the rising generation and the challenges proper to its development * Clarify their own dreams, work, and vocation * Navigate personal relationships and communication within the context of wealth * Recognize the special challenges faced when rising is delayed until mid-life. If you are a young person who is starting your life's journey and wondering about the effects of parental gifts, trusts, or a family business, this book will offer you questions, reflections, and lessons-learned to help you find your own way. If you are a parent, grandparent, elder, or mentor, The Voice of the Rising Generation can serve the young people in your life as a gift more precious than gold.

A comprehensive guide to giving well to family members Giving is at the core of family life--and with current law allowing up to $5,120,000 in tax-free gifts, at least through December 2012, the ultra-affluent are faced with the task of giving at perhaps largest scale in history. Beyond the tax saving and wealth management implications, giving to family members opens up a slew of thorny questions, the biggest of which is, "How do I prepare recipients of such large gifts?" With that question and others in mind, Hughes, Massenzio, and Whitaker have written The Cycle of the Gift in three main parts: "The Who of Giving," "The How of Giving," and "The What and Why of Giving." The first part focuses on the people most deeply involved in family giving, especially the recipients and givers (parents, grandparents, spouses, trustees). The second part, "The How of Giving," addresses the delicate balance of givers who want to maintain some level of control and recipients who want some level of freedom in accepting and growing their gifts. The final part, "The What and Why of Giving" describes various types of gifts, from money to business interests to values and rituals.
The authors also introduce their "family bank" concept as a model that combines loans, trusts, and outright gifts. It embodies a framework and set of practices for long-term family growth. Even families without great wealth--or those who have already made large gifts to their children and grandchilren--can benefit from the human wisdom and practical advice found in The Cycle of the Gift.

What matters most in managing the family enterprise

Complete Family Wealth is a comprehensive resource for growing, maintaining, and managing wealth across generations. A successor to the classic Family Wealth, now in its 20th year, this book provides updated and expanded guidance to change the way you think about your wealth and legacy. This team of expert authors—who brought the field not only Family Wealth but also Family the Compact, The Cycle of the Gift, The Voice of the Rising Generation, and Family Trusts—ground Complete Family Wealth in a clear account of the “five capitals”: human, intellectual, social, spiritual, and financial. The discussion covers the “what,” “who,” and “how” of family wealth management in clearly-delineated chapters that allow you to dip in as needed, from the principles of family enterprise to family governance, philanthropy, and more. Each family member plays a distinct role, and by exploring each member’s responsibilities in terms of the family enterprise, this book provides insights and ideas for real-world families struggling with all-too-common challenges.

Growth-oriented practices today lead to generations of family flourishing in the future. This book provides the answers you need along with guidance and strategy for keeping your family’s complete wealth intact.

  • Understand the five forms of capital that comprise “complete family wealth”
  • Explore the roles of each family member in helping the family enterprise flourish
  • Learn how friends, trustees, and advisors contribute to family wealth management
  • Adopt specific practices that help families grow their complete wealth and ensure its survival through generations

Family wealth can sometimes feel like more of a burden than a blessing. Developing the right understanding, character, and structures can improve family enterprise management and protect all your family’s capital from whatever the world throws your way. Complete Family Wealth is a one-stop reference for ensuring a positive legacy for future generations.

Family Trusts

by Hartley Goldstone, James E Hughes, and Keith Whitaker

Published 21 September 2015

An insightful and practical guide to family trusts

Family Trusts is a step-by-step guide for anyone involved in family trusts: trust creators, trustees, beneficiaries, and advisors. It will help families create and administer a culture that recognizes trusts as a gift of love.

Marrying the practical and emotional aspects of family wealth, this book provides a hands-on primer that focuses on fostering positive relationships, and structuring the trust appropriately for the situation and the people involved. It tackles difficult topics with frank and honest discussion, from the first beneficiary meeting to working with addictions, and more. Written by a team of experts in family wealth, this information is becoming increasingly crucial to the successful execution of a trust; you'll learn what type of person makes the best trustee, how to be an excellent beneficiary, and the technical aspects that help you build a better trust from the very beginning.

There's been a staggering increase in trustee/beneficiary litigation and hostility, but that doesn't mean it's inevitable. Plenty of trusts are running smoothly, with positive experiences on all sides. This book shows you how to set up your trust to succeed from the start, with step-by-step guidance and expert insight.

  • Express clear and thoughtful intent for the trust
  • Create a healthy and supportive culture
  • Select the right trustee, trust protector, and trust advisor
  • Take the time to prepare before initially meeting the beneficiary
  • Conduct a productive first meeting to set a tone for the relationship

Historically, there has been little consideration given to the culture of trusts, and this oversight may be a key driver of the behavior that's becoming more prevalent. Family Trusts explores the nature of these relationships, and shows you how to build a trust that retains the nature and spirit with which it was intended.

The original Family Wealth (1997) changed the way families think about their heritage, their wealth, and their legacy to future generations. Designed to help families with long-term wealth preservation, Family Wealth remains the leading book in the field. In this revised edition, the authors tighten and consolidate the sections on trustees, beneficiaries, private trust companies, and perpetual trusts, while including insights and practices they have developed since the last edition (2004). A revised edition of Family Wealth will appeal to past readers while also attracting an entire new generation. It will be an essential guide for any family seeking sustainable wealth management strategies. Family Wealth remains the leading book in the fieldNormal0falsefalsefalseEN-USJAX-NONE