Philly and the Playboy

by Linda Turner

Published 1 March 1992

Heaven Can't Wait

by Linda Turner

Published 1 February 1996

A Marriage Made in Heaven

Heavenly Matchmaker: I'm one of the highest authorities in heaven and even I can't manage to get Zeb Murdock and Prudence Sullivan married off. Well, this is their last earthly chance to get it right... .

Prudence Sullivan: Zebadiah Murdock is the most bullheaded hunk I've ever met! I can't stand him, but every time I look into his icy blue eyes, I get the strangest feeling we've met somewhere before... .

Zebadiah Murdock: A long-legged beauty like Pru could never be interested in an older guy like me! But why does it always feel like we're fated to be mated?