Book 1

Field of Blood

by Eric Wilson.

Published 9 September 2008

Judas hung himself in a place known as the Akeldama or Field of Blood.

But what if his death didn't end his betrayal?

What if his tainted blood seeped deep into the earth, into burial caves, causing a counterfeit resurrection of the dead?

Gina Lazarescu, a Romanian girl with a scarred past, has no idea she is being sought by the undead.

The Collectors, those released from the Akeldama, feed on souls and human blood. But there are also the Nistarim, those who rose from their graves in the shadow of the Nazarene's crucifixion--and they still walk among us, immortal, left to protect mankind.

Gina realizes her future will depend on her understanding of the past, yet how can she protect herself from Collectors who have already died once but still live?

The Jerusalem's Undead Trilogy takes readers on a riveting journey, as imaginative fiction melds with biblical and archaeological history.

Book 2

Haunt of Jackals

by Eric Wilson.

Published 16 July 2009
When Jesus was resurrected, ancient scripture says many rose from the grave. Today, 36 from this group of undead remain. Known as the Nistarim, they are here to watch over the world.

When Judas hung himself, his blood mysteriously gave rise to another group of undead: the unholy Collectors. Now very much alive, they feed on souls and human blood.

Both groups of immortals still walk among us in an eternal struggle. Now both are after a single target--a boy named Pavel who may possess the key to the Collectors' unlimited power...or ultimate downfall.

Gina, a woman fleeing for her own life, is determined to protect the boy at all costs. She has survived one battle with the undead already, but has no idea how long she'll be able to stay a step ahead of them.

The Jerusalem's Undead Trilogy takes readers on a riveting journey, as imaginative fiction melds with biblical and archaeological history.

Book 3

Valley of Bones

by Eric Wilson.

Published 15 April 2010

For millennia, two groups of immortals have roamed the earth in a spiritual chess game for human souls. Now they enter the time of Final Vengeance.

On one side are the Collectors--unholy, undead entities who feed on misery and blood. In opposition are the Nistarim--saints raised from their tombs during the Nazarene's resurrection, who work to protect mankind.

Natira, a powerful Collector infused with Judas's blood, is on the verge of finding the last of the Nistarim. To destroy them all in one master stroke, he must find the Nazarene's Crown of Thorns which is believed to be buried near Jerusalem.

But the Nistarim have a potent weapon of their own, a boy who carries immortal blood. He has been hiding and waiting until now, when both sides collide in a battle of biblical proportions at Israel's historic Valley of Bones.

The Jerusalem's Undead Trilogy takes readers on a riveting journey, as imaginative fiction melds with biblical and archaeological history.