This text covers the mandatory units of the Foundation GNVQ (Processing business payments, Investigating business and customers, and Investigating working in business). The elements, evidence indicators and performance criteria of the course are covered in this book, and the core skills are fully integrated throughout the text. Arranged in an easy-to-use layout, the book contains checklists and summaries, advice on portfolio building, and case studies based on well-known businesses.

Advanced Business

by Jon Sutherland and Diane Canwell

Published 17 October 1994
This photocopiable lecturer's resource pack contains a range of documents, charts and tables to be used independently or to accompany and support the main text. Intended for the GNVQ Advanced Business syllabus, the main book takes a unit and element approach, covering every aspect of the course, with activities and assignments testing and strengthening students' understanding. Along with the key elements, the evidence indicators for each unit are fully covered and practical exercises are complemented by the full range of information and knowledge required by students. Real case-studies also play a central role, introducing students to major business issues in a range of business environments. The book covers all eight mandatory units for the Advanced Business GNVQ: business in the economy; business systems; marketing; human resources; financial transactions and monitoring; financial resources; and business planning. Features of the book include: case studies and assignments based on real companies; advice on testing and successful completion of Portfolios of Evidence; and integrated coverage of core skills.