
by Nicholas Fisk

Published 1 January 1982


by Nicholas Fisk

Published 29 September 1983
When the Starstormers accidentally blast off into space they head for the relative safety of the strange and unwelcoming planet of Volcano. Here they are delighted to be joined by their old allies - the veils of Moloch - who prove surprisingly useful. But they soon discover that the Octopus Emperor - determined to enslave or destroy them - is still pursuing them relentlessly. And under his influence the planet and its inhabitants are becoming increasingly hostile. Finally, Ispex comes up with a plan to destroy the Emperor once and for all. Something so far-fetched that it might just work. But is there time before the Tyrannopolis battleship strikes its final, fatal blows? And can the Starstormers make the huge sacrifice the plan demands?


by Nicholas Fisk

Published 1 July 1982


by Nicholas Fisk

Published 1 November 1984
Ambassador's children Mo and Gemma make the news when they are brutally snatched from their London home and held captive in an isolated farmhouse. A solo police officer blunders an attempt to save them and is also taken captive, but is there more to him than meets the eye?


by Nicholas Fisk

Published 1 January 1985
Four children, Vawn, Ispex, Tsu and Makenzi live in a boarding school on Earth, while their parents are busy building a colony on the planet Epsilon Cool. It has been years since they last saw their parents - perhaps they never will. Bored and frustrated, they decide to build their own spaceship out of parts salvaged from a spacecraft junkyard. They name their ship Starstormer and blast off. Weeks later, soaring through space on route to Epsilon Cool, they come across an ancient colony ship from earth called the Conqueror. The inhabitants have developed a strange religion, worshipping the "Glorious Ones," whoever they are. Ispex is first to figure out that there is great peril here for the Starstormers. The first book in Nicholas Fisk's exciting series, first published in the 1980s and warmly remembered by fans to this day.

Evil Eye

by Nicholas Fisk

Published 1 January 1985
Once again forced to flee from the wicked Octopus Emperor in their junkyard spaceship, the four Starstormers crashland on the planet of Moloch - otherwise known as the planet of the Evil Eye. They soon begin to wonder if this unwelcoming planet as its terrifying - yet somehow almost familiar - inhabitants, hold anything for them except death. Then strange voices reveal to Vawn that the hostile planet is linked with an early space experiment from Earth that went horribly wrong. The Starstormers may be able to help restore a balance between good and evil - but can Vawn convince her friends that she is not imagining things? And have they really arrived in time to destroy the evil of Moloch?


by Nicholas Fisk

Published 1 January 1985
The Starstormers - Vawn, Ispex, Tsu and Makenzi - hurtle through space in Starstormer, the spacecraft they've built themselves, seeking their destination Epsilon Cool. Under constant threat from the evil Octopus Emperor, whose immense powers reach throughout the galaxy, their senses are alert to all dangers. In the depths of space they come across a huge abandoned spacecraft - a ghost ship with a chilling signal: Plague ship! Keep away! But the Starstormers desperately need spare parts for their own stricken craft. Despite the warning, they must venture aboard. But too late, they discover the ship's chilling secret - and they are destined for a terrifying journey towards the centre of the sun . . .


by Nicholas Fisk

Published 1 January 1985
Built to take the four children to join their parents on Epsilon Cool, Starstormer is showing dangerous signs of wear and tear - and the vehicle of their escape is now their prison. The Starstormers have been forced to leave Epsilon Cool to evade the Octopus Emperor's intention of employing them in his workforce, and the failings of their homemade spaceship contribute to the strained atmosphere on board. As tensions rise, distraction suddenly appears in the shape of a stowaway: a tousled, spiky, wet, filthy kitten. Cleaned up (and given a name), Fang, he entertains the children with his antics. But not for long! Starstormer is once again under attack - and Fang plays an amazing part in the great battle in space ...