Book 1

Reservoir Pups

by Colin Bateman

Published 13 November 2003
Eddie is new in town, having moved from his familiar, comfortable home by the sea when his parents split up. Now his mum is busy working at the local hospital, while he hangs around waiting for school to begin. He's soon drawn into a gang of boys running elaborate scams in the town - they are the bane of hospital officials and he's bound to be in trouble with his mum if she finds out... his first task is to uncover some hospital secrets, but he discovers more than he bargained for when he overhears a plan to kidnap babies from the ward for some sinister scheme. Soon he and the gang are on the trail of kidnappers...

Book 2

Someone has stolen Saint Oliver Plunkett's head. It should be safe in Drogheda Cathedral, emanating its healing powers and generally looking rather scary. With the help of the boy who blames himself for the theft, Eddie and his gang get on the case. But it's not long before the other gangs are involved, including Captain Black and the Reservoir Pups...

Book 3

The Seagulls Have Landed

by Colin Bateman

Published 19 May 2005
You would think Eddie Malone - hero, warrior, gang leader, intent on world domination - would have had enough of babies. And you would be right... But losing a baby is not good. And if it belongs to your mum, well - it's a disaster. Eddie is at his lowest ebb. Until Mo, Gary, Ivan Cutler and the others appear. Maybe Eddie will have his Gang after all. But what should he call it?