When the Wind Blows

by John Saul

Published 1 August 1982
The terrifying bestseller from the author of House of Reckoning

The children were waiting.
Waiting for centuries.  
Waiting for someone to hear their cries.

Now  nine-year-old Christine Lyons has come to live in the  house on the hill—the house where no children  have lived for fifty years.

Now little Christie will sleep in the old-fashioned nursery on the third floor. Now Christie's terror will begin.

A sound was coming to her. Her mind began to drift . . . 

Usually it came to her at night, when the wind was blowing. But today it was bright and clear; the wind was still.

And yet the sound was there. A baby, crying out for its mother.

Instinctively Diana knelt next to Christie and took the child in her arms. “It's all right,” she whispered. “Everything's going to be all right.”

Perplexed, Christie looked into Diana's eyes. “I
am all right, Aunt Diana. Really, I am,” Christie insisted.

“But you were crying. I heard you. Good girls never cry. Only bad children cry. They cry. And cry. And then they must be punished. . . .”

Comes the Blind Fury

by John Saul

Published 1 August 1981
A century ago, a gentle blind girl walked the cliffs of Paradise Point. Then the children came -- taunting, teasing -- until she lost her footing and fell, shrieking her rage to the drowning sea... Now Michelle has come from Boston to live in the big house on Paradise Point. She is excited about her new life, ready to make new friends... until a hand reaches out of the swirling mists -- the hand of blind child. She is asking for friendship... seeking revenge... whispering her name...

Punish the Sinners

by John Saul

Published 1 August 1979
Italy 1252. Inquisition. Accusation. Fear.  Torture. The guilty and the innocent dying for sins real  and imagined in the flames of the burning stake.  Neilsville, 1978. Peter Blasam has come to this  sleepy desert town to teach its youth, and finds a  mystery of mounting horror. Something is happening  to the young girls of St. Francis Xavier High  School -- something evil. In bloodlet and terror a  suicide contagion has swept the two... while a dark  order of its holy men enacts a secret medieval  ritual. Is hysteria manipulating these innocent children  into violent self-destruction? Or has supernatural  force, a thirteenth-century madness, returned  to... Punish The Sinners.