Shows and describes wildlife found in the polar regions, looks at Inuit clothing and artifacts, and depicts the equipment used by polar explorers--

Arctic and Antarctic

by Barbara Taylor

Published 1 April 1995
Few areas on earth capture the imagination like the unspoilt polar wildernesses. Their rich natural and human history is one of triumphant adaptation to hostile conditions. This superb collection of photographs brings these the earth's spectacular extremities vividly to life. It helps you learn about the mighty polar bear king of the Arctic and the emperor penguins that live and breed near the South pole the reindeer and moose of the northern tundra and the microscopic animals of Antarctica. It also helps you see the way of life and artistic achievements of the hardy communities of the Arctic and the brave endeavours of international pioneers such as Scott and Amundsen who explored these frozen wastes. Packed with fascinating facts "Arctic & Antarctic" is a unique and compelling introduction to two of the world's last wild places.