Those Giant Giraffes

by Jan Lee Wicker

Published 1 January 2015

Those Excellent Eagles

by Jan Lee Wicker

Published 1 April 2006
Eagles are excellent birds. Their eyes are sharp, and their talons are strong. They fly high and fast. They remind us of strength, courage, and freedom.

Learn answers to questions like these:

• Why is it called the Bald Eagle? • What do eagles eat? • How strong are eagles? • How well can an eagle see? • How fast can an eagle fly? • Where in the world do eagles live? And you will also learn how to make an eagle and an eagle’s nest you can eat!

As in all the books in this series, each question and answer is illustrated with a large color photograph and a charming illustration.

• Questions and answers about dolphins that will show you how delightful they are • Learn about the difference between a dolphin and a porpoise • Find out how dolphins breathe and what they eat • How smart are dolphins and what can they do? You’ll discover that and more!

Learn all about this marine mammal and learn why sailors (who had been out to sea way too long!) used to think they were magical. You will learn what they eat, where they live, why they swim upside down, how many babies they have, how they sleep, and even what that green stuff is that grows on their backs. Most importantly, you will find out what you can do to protect them.

Activities include making a manatee sponge print, a psychedelic manatee, a splatter paint manatee, and a veggi-tee that you can eat!

Those Funny Flamingos

by Jan Lee Wicker

Published 1 October 2004
Ever wonder about those funny, big, pink birds that stand on one leg and eat upside down?

This book answers 20 questions about flamingos to teach you a lot about those big pink birds.

In addition to finally understanding why they stand on one leg and eat upside down, you’ll learn the answers to questions like these:

• How do flamingos stay dry? • Can flamingos salute? • How can flamingos bend their knees backwards? • Why do flamingos have webbed feet? • How many eggs does a flamingo lay? • Are baby flamingos pink?

Each question and answer is illustrated with a large color photograph and a charming illustration. You will see where flamingos live and why they do what they do. You’ll even learn how to draw them and how to make one from a candy cane.

Those Big Bears

by Jan Lee Wicker

Published 1 June 2011