Arthurian Tradition

by Claire Hamilton

Published 25 August 2000
This title aims to demonstrate the enduring power of King Arthur as a guardian of England, Grail-seeker, and model hero of the last Millennium. It puts King Arthur in a historical context and there are practical applications at the end of each chapter consolidating each stage of the quest. The book also uncovers the magical and psychological significance of Merlin and Morgan Le Fay, delves into the tangled nature of love triangles, and investigates the symbolism of magical objects involved in the legend.

The Holy Grail

by Claire Hamilton

Published 25 August 2000
The Holy Grail is a powerful central image of Arthurian legend from which a wide variety of ideas and beliefs radiated. This title charts the Grail's strange origins ad mysterious history as a catalyst for all kinds of spiritual and historical enquiries. It seeks to introduce the reader to ancient symbology and how this became Christianized, focuses on Templar and Gnostic mysteris and investigates the mythical origins of the Grail and the legends surrounding the actual chalice.

The Brontes: a Beginner's Guide

by Steve Eddy

Published 28 February 2003
This guide introduces readers to a highly talented family, the Brontes. Three sisters developed the Gothic and Romantic genres in their own unique ways, and their strong female characters are landmarks in English literature. Their novels and poems are remarkable for their powerful symbolism and passionate exploration of eternal themes."