Book 2

The Year of the Baby, 2

by Andrea Cheng

Published 1 January 2013

Eleven-year-old Anna takes a trip to China and learns more about herself and her Chinese heritage.

Year of the Book

by Andrea Cheng

Published 1 January 2012

In Chinese, peng you means friend. But in any language, all Anna knows for certain is that friendship is complicated.

When Anna needs company, she turns to her books. Whether traveling through A Wrinkle in Time, or peering over My Side of the Mountain, books provide what real life cannot--constant companionship and insight into her changing world.

Books, however, can't tell Anna how to find a true friend. She'll have to discover that on her own. In the tradition of classics like Maud Hart Lovelace's Betsy-Tacy books and Eleanor Estes' One Hundred Dresses, this novel subtly explores what it takes to make friends and what it means to be one.