Getting a Job Abroad

by Roger Jones

Published December 1999

With over 1100 websites, hundreds of recruitment agencies, and lots of useful contacts, this book tells readers where there are overseas jobs available, how to apply for them, and how to weigh up the risks and rewards of expatriot living, whether on a temporary or permanent basis.
- Working abroad
- an option for you? PART II
- Finding a job 1
The search for a job 2
The recruitment process 3
Coming to a decision PART III
- Preparation and acclimatisation 4
Preparing to leave 5
Settling in PART IV
- Surveying the opportunities 6
Working holidays and work experience 7
Contract work 8
Permanent jobs and self-employment PART IV
- The Regions of the World 9
Europe 10
The Arab World 11
Asia 12
Africa 13
North America 14
Latin America and the Caribbean 15
Australasia and the Pacific PART VI
- Reference
About the author
ROGER JONES has worked in a number of overseas countries and now writes extensively on careers and education as well as on living and working abroad.
"Practical advice on finding the country where you can make the most of your skills." - 'The Guardian'
"- highly informative - lots of hard information and a first-class reference section." - 'Outbound Newspapers'
"Do your research thoroughly. Check out GETTING A JOB ABROAD." - 'Cosmopolitan'

The USA continues to be seen as the great land of opportunity. The aim of this book is to help turn the possibilities into a reality. It sets out the work possibilities open to a non-US citizen, drawing extensively on the experiences of individuals, companies and recruitment agencies. The author explains the range of jobs available, the locations, pay and conditions, and the secrets of getting hired. The book aims to be of use to anyone planning to work in America, be it on a short-term vacation assignment, secondment, contract or permanent basis.