Changing Scarborough

by Paul Chrystal

Published 1 August 2013
Scarborough has a rich and varied history extending from the Roman signal station and the marauding hordes of Vikings under Tostig Godwinson and Harald III of Norway through its revival under Henry II who built the Angevin stone castle and granted charters in 1155 and 1163 permitting a market and rule by burgesses. The changing fortunes of the castle and its role in the Civil War, the founding of the spa and development of tourism and establishment of famous hotels are detailed in the exhaustive Changing Scarborough: From Romans to Renaissance Town. Also covered are the associations with Anne Bronte, the Scarborough Riots and the role of the famous Quaker family, the Rowntrees, and the town's dramatic and lethal bombardment in the First World War, the famous lifeboat, Alan Ayckbourn, the Sitwells and the treasures of St Martin on the Hill. Old images are juxtaposed with modern equivalents to provide a fascinating historical journey that will delight visitors and residents alike.

Changing York

by Paul Chrystal

Published 15 October 2015
York is one of Britain's best preserved cities. Through a combination of sheer luck, the efforts of passionate conservationists and the apathy of the Luftwaffe, many of York's unique historical treasures survive to this day for visitors and residents to enjoy. Changing York aims to record nearly one hundred of these riches, showing how they were in the past and how they have survived and function today. We visit the Minster and some of the countless other churches and places of worship, workhouses, almshouses, hospitals, prisons, bridges, walls, and the Mansion House - a panoply of treasures which gives an exciting insight into the history of this fine English city. A truly unique feature of the book is the inclusion of photographs from the prestigious and rarely seen Evelyn Collection, held by the Yorkshire Architectural & York Archaeological Society. These stunning images give an unrivalled snapshot of York life in the early 20th century, showing the city in ways that will fascinate and enthral.